Beyond The Words
Embark on a journey beyond the confines of language with Dimple Thakrar, a seasoned clinical dietitian turned intuitive healer.
In "Beyond The Words," Dimple shares captivating stories that delve into the realm of intuition and the sixth sense. Drawing from her rich experiences in the National Health Service, she uncovers the profound connections that often go unspoken.
Discover the power of touch, the magic in unexplained moments, and the wisdom that lies beyond the logical mind. Join Dimple as she guides you through stories that resonate on a deeper level, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the unspoken language of the heart.
Tune in to Beyond The Words for an exploration of love, connection, and the extraordinary experiences that shape our lives. Let's go beyond the words and into a world where intuition reigns supreme.
Beyond The Words
022 From Humble Beginnings to Ultimate Goals: A Heartfelt Journey with Terry Fisher
Hello and welcome to another heartfelt and powerful episode of Beyond the Words, with your resident host Dimple Thakrar. In today's show, Dimple sits down for a chat with the incredible Terry Fisher.
Terry Fisher, former CEO of Thomas Cook, shares his journey from humble beginnings to building successful businesses and achieving his ultimate goal. He discusses the challenges he faced in his personal life and the importance of repairing relationships. Terry's story highlights the power of setting intentions, trusting your gut instinct, and being open to growth in all areas of life. Through his vulnerability and courage, he inspires others to believe that they can have it all - success, loving relationships, and personal fulfilment. In this conversation, Terry and Dimple express their gratitude and appreciation for each other. They discuss the power of support and how it has made a positive impact on Terry's life. They also reflect on their journey and the importance of staying connected. Terry shares his work and contact information and emphasises the importance of believing in oneself. The conversation concludes with final thoughts and gratitude.
- Expressing gratitude and appreciation can strengthen relationships.
- Having a support system can make a significant difference in one's life.
- Reconnecting with people from the past can bring joy and happiness.
- Believing in oneself and setting goals can lead to achieving success.
Terry Fisher Resources:
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Dimple Thakrar Resource Links:
Hello and welcome back to beyond the words with me Dimple Thakrar I am so excited to have the next guest. Oh my friggin God, this guy, let me tell you, I met this guy in the most random place in Marbella in a really cool coffee shop. And I'm sat there enjoying the sun on my face and my two dogs. And this guy walks in. And I kid you know, he looks like a fucking rock star. He looks so cool. suit. He was like in this black waistcoat, black jeans. Like, so. chiselled beard. So cool, right. And yet, there was something about him that I felt I need to I need to connect with this guy. This beautiful man that I'm about to share the next 30 minutes with that he's gifted us his time, has created more magic in the world and open more doors for people than we can even begin to imagine is so understated, and so humble, and has a heart of gold. It is my honour and privilege today to introduce to you, Mr. Terry Fisher. Welcome, Terry.
Terry Fisher:Well, thank you for that wonderful introduction, Dimple, I hope I can live up to it wow
Dimple Thakrar:all truths, Terry, honestly. So Terry, for those of you who don't know, is an incredibly successful man. He was the former CEO of Thomas talk, his like bio, go check it out. I don't read the bios on the show. Because I want you to feel the heart of the person. His bio, oh my God. Is it something like seven? Seven companies you've taken to? Public? Terry? Your
Terry Fisher:I've built and sold six, and I'm working on my seventh at the moment. Yes.
Dimple Thakrar:What the hell
Terry Fisher:do you say to my kids, I say lots of people build and sell one business. Some people are lucky enough to do it twice. I've done it six times. So yeah. Something that I love doing. I'm passionate about it. And I'm obviously clearly fairly good at it. So I enjoy it very much. Oh,
Dimple Thakrar:my God, honestly. And you would not know it. You meet this guy. And he cares. He freakin cares about people. Right? He genuinely and anyone anyway, I want to I want to talk Terry, because I could talk about you forever. In a day. I adore you. But I want the I want the viewers in the in the listeners to hear from you. I would love for you, Terry to share your story because you haven't always come from this brilliant business world. Right. Your beginnings were quite humbled. Right? Would you mind sharing with us? Just a taster of where you came from and where you're at now?
Terry Fisher:Yeah, so I am with pleasure. So my, my parents divorced when I was around nine or 10. And I never saw my father. After that I was raised by my mom and my stepfather. My stepfather is a fantastic guy, brilliant guy. As far as I'm concerned. He's my dad. But he was a he was a lecturer, a teacher. And growing up. It was a fairly strict upbringing in terms of education. And he got one of two ways when he does a teacher, you're either brilliant student or you rebel against it. And I rebelled, I'm sorry to say, and he and I, he and I didn't really see eye to eye and I left school with very few qualifications. And I decided while I was at school that wants to work in the travel industry. And the reason I did that I wanted to do that was because when I was about 13, or 14, my mom and dad took me to my Yorker on a package holiday. And if you're going back 40 years, it was a date well before Easyjet and Ryanair, and all these things and going on holiday in those days was a big deal. Yeah, and it's so much so that the teacher in my classroom made me stand up in front of the whole class and Terry's going on an aeroplane. Everyone's like, whoa, and he's gonna go to Spain, whoa, and stay in a hotel. And he's gonna come back and tell us all about it when he gets back. And that was how it was in those days templates for two years. It's a massive deal, a massive deal. And when I came back, and I had the great Hollywood moment that I'm gonna come back and sort of in front of the whole class, which was, I think, the start of my living and audience, so many of them being an odd speaker waiting to happen. When I spoke to the, to the pupils in the class, I could see how the girls were looking at me. And I thought, like this If that's all girls are looking for, because I've been on America and I've been to Spain, I think he wants to make a career out of this. That was a thing. That was why that was my initial love affair with the travel industry was seeing how the girls reacted to me telling the story when I got back from my Orca. So I left school with very few qualifications and decided to join the Travel and Tourism course at the local college. And I actually lied about my qualifications. And three months into the course they found out that I've lied, and they asked me politely to leave. And I remember them saying to me, Look, you're just not cut out, you're not qualified to work in the travel industry. It's not for you, you know, you need to go get a job in a supermarket or a job, some, you know, be a plumber, you're not really getting the problem in the travel industry. And I said, Well, actually, I'm going to prove you wrong. I said, because one day, I'm going to be the CEO of Thomas cooks. And they just, they just laughed at me. They just laughed at me. And even after that, didn't believe I was 18. I was 18. Wow. And even then when I when I when I when I told my dad when I went home and told me that that I've been asked to leave the trouble, of course, and, and it's not at all you're gonna make nothing of your life. And I said, Well, actually I am I want to open my own travel agency. And he said, You're 18 What the hell do you know about opening your own business, I said, I don't know anything about it, but I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. And it's going to be successful. And you're going to see, and so much so that you're actually going to lend me the money. I need 3000 pounds to buy the furniture. I'm going to force you to buy the furniture to buy, you know, the days before computers. To get the phones installed. I need 3000 pounds. And my dad pretty much refused to lend me the money. And I don't know what my mom did. And I don't want to know to this day, but my mom persuaded him. We have Yeah, right. Yeah. And my mom persuaded him and I opened a small travel agency on the outskirts of Huddersfield. I was 19. When I opened it, I had no experience at all in running a business and very little experience in the travel industry. But I told everyone that would listen to me even in those days, that one day I was gonna be CEO of Thomas Cook. And the reason I picked Thomas Cook was because at that time Thomas Cook was the biggest travel company in the world. So I was anyhow you know, that was my that was my ultimate that was my ultimate ambition. So that's kind of the background that's kind of what got me to the sort of opening my first shop and and that was the driver that was it was the girls looking at me in the in the classroom and me realising that travel was definitely for me, it was the start of the love affair. Really.
Dimple Thakrar:It's incredible. So what I want to highlight here for the viewers is that look at the power of setting an intention and making a decision. And okay, your motivation was women, which is great. We'll come on to women. How I've like can you just hear in Terry's voice the absolute determination, there was no plan B. Plan A was Thomas Kok, right? There was no plan B, there was absolute certainty and determination. Terry and I have worked together and he is a super manifester.
Terry Fisher:It's interesting you say that didn't but it's interesting that because I actually ended up with a plant with an unintended Plan B. And everyone said, Oh, you've achieved your ambition. And what that was, I built my travel agency. I started with one shop, and I build my travel agency over the next 10 years. I have 132 shops, just me from from just being me to 32 shops in 10 years. And I sold it, I sold it about 2829. And I sold it to chemical air tours best in Lancashire. And an aertos owned a troubled chain called going places. And going places in those days was the biggest troubled company in the UK. It was bigger than it was bigger in the UK than Thomas Cook. Thomas Cook was bigger was bigger worldwide. And, and the bottom my business and they asked me to join the board of going places. And within a month of joining the board of going places, I persuaded the owner to fire the entire board and make me the CEO. And at 29 I was running a 1.5 billion pound turnover trouble chain with 1000 shops, eight and a half 1000 staff. And it was the biggest travel company in the UK. And my friends all said to me Oh leave achieve your ambition. You're running the biggest chocolate in the UK, you're running going places. And I'm like, Yeah, but it's not Thomas Cook. And that was the intent. And it's not Thomas Cook, and everybody's like, You should be happy. You should be satisfied with what you've achieved. You've done marvellously well, and I'm not yet, but I'm still going to run Thomas scopes. And that'd be quiet and careful who I said that to at that time because going places was a phenomenal job, obviously. But my personal ambition was still burning inside that I was going to be CEO of Thomas Cook even though I was running a bigger competitor at that point.
Dimple Thakrar:And how long did it take you to get there Terry from then Thomas Cook's took
Terry Fisher:another 10 years after that. I sold my business to go and place her and go places For a few years, I retired to my buyer at the age of about 30 to 33, thinking I was done. And
Dimple Thakrar:at that point, I
Terry Fisher:think, very quickly realised, very quickly realised that I wasn't done. What happened was I went from being really important to eight and a half 1000 people, 1000 shops, all these decisions every day, to nothing overnight. And I literally said to my girlfriend at the time, he was with me, I said, Louise, just just call my phone and see if it's broken, because it's not ringing. You know, it was that bad. It went from massively important to 1000s of people to nothing overnight. And that is, that's tough, that's really, really tough. You could have lots of money in the bank, you could have a private jet, but when you've always all of a sudden stopped being relevant, stop being important stop being the decision maker, the leader, the person that everybody is going to for advice and guidance. And overnight, you've you've, you've gone to nothing. That was, that was really, really tough. And because of that, and because neither Louise or I could understand Spanish television, we end up having two kids in Marbella. And for the age of 30, to 33, we started off having, having kids and, and focus on that for a few years rather than rather than building a business. So
Dimple Thakrar:tell tell us about that. Because what I'm hearing is this incredibly successful driven serial entrepreneur, going from having the identity of being relevant and important to 1000s of people to suddenly get in what would most people will perceive as the dream, living in Spain. Beautiful, why two children? So why wasn't that enough?
Terry Fisher:I think and to do so burning ambition inside, you know, that's still had unfinished business to do, I still felt had not achieved my long term goal. And the Thomas Cook goal, I still felt I had things I wanted to prove things I wanted to do. And, and I wasn't a new I wasn't finished with the travel industry. I knew I wasn't, but opportunities weren't coming along. The phone wasn't ringing. And I realised that you know, I needed to take a little bit of time, take a step back, I'm a family and waits rather than trying to force things to happen. Just trust that things will happen. Trust the universe has heard what I'm saying and wait for it to happen. And it happened in the most the most bizarre way. The most bizarre story, the biggest the biggest crisis ever. So when I when I owned my own chain Trouble, trouble. Well, they had, towards the end, a business partner, who, who, who owns a travel company in in Preston in Lancashire, called Gold Medal travel. And I hadn't seen I'd sold out, I'd gone to go in place and seen him for years, we'd lost contact. And I decided so essentially, we've got to live in Spain for five years, to be non resident for tax purposes. After we sold. We're going places business. And we've done for years. And we were getting a little bit stir crazy. Mr. Baier. And an opportunity came up to help a friend start a non related business, nothing to do with travel in California. And I've never been to Atlanta, I've always wanted to go. So essentially, she wants to go and live in California for a year. And we'll help you and so this this office in in a place called Newport Beach, California. Yeah, why not? That sounds that sounds great. Let's do that. There are two small children. And I've got another great story about that in a second. But I'll come back to that. But we so we decided we're going to go and do that. And I flew out to just to do a wreck really to look at the opportunity to go and see that it was for real and other fluids and spend with the kids. And I went I went to check out this, this, this place and I got on the plane I remember flying it was in British Midland used to fly to LA and Las Vegas, from Manchester. That a fantastic service. And they don't do it anymore. It doesn't exist anymore. But it was in those days. And I got on the plane. And the guy that was my ex business partner not seen for years and years, sat next to me all the way to LA. And we we've we've kind of fallen out, we'd lost touch. He didn't want me to sell the business when I sold it. He didn't want me to go go to going places he was he was a little bit pissy with me for honest. And we'd sort of drifted apart. And here we were on a 747 from Manchester to our leg and we sat next to each other for 11 hours. How can we not talk to me? So for 11 hours, I
Dimple Thakrar:was like, Well, how can
Terry Fisher:you not talk to him for 11 hours? And he said to me on that journey? He said look, he said he said I've got a CEO and I said yeah, no, I don't like him. He's a horrible person. He said, Yeah, I don't like him either. I'm about to fire him. He said and I'm looking for a new CEO. And he said, but it's not really your area of expertise. This this particular trouble sector is not really over. I said it's all my expertise. Can you know that it's all my expertise. He said, You're going to be living in California I said I am I said but you know, as and when. If you do decide to go down that route, bear me in mind A year went by, and Paul and I was living in California. And I was having a great time. And a year went by and Ken called me and he said, I fired the CEO find Wayne. And I'd like you to come to Preston and have a chat with MCs, I'd like you to run the business for me. And I did I put the phone on a loose and who was that? And I said it was Ken. And she said, what's the one? I said? Well, I think you offered me a job. And she said, you want a job? And like, well, not really. But he's Ken. So I'm gonna go and see what he's got to say because we go back a long way. And I got on a plane and I flew to Preston. And, and he told me around the building, and it was incredibly impressive. It was a huge call centre on the press on Preston dock, surgeon 50 staff, huge business got netflights and governmental trouble. And they were the biggest tour operator in the world to Dubai. Absolutely massive to Dubai. And I loved what I saw, but I was still not sure that I wanted to move from back from LA. And and he said to me, you know, you're not sure I and I said, No, I'm not I'm really not. And he passed a piece of paper across the fence like you see in the movies. And he said, write down what it's going to take, you know, write down what he's gonna say it write down what you want. And I wrote it down the posse across the table, and he just stood up and shook my hand. And I got the next plane back to Los Angeles to tell Louise were packing up and moving back to moving back to Leeds. And it was incredible offer it's incredible for but I do I do say to people, you know, people say to me now and when I'm public speaking, I say, you know, I used to go on the freeway in, in Los Angeles, and it said, left to San Diego and La Jolla. Right, right to Beverly Hills in Santa Monica. And now we get on the on the M 62. And it says left to Holland, Grimsby and right to Rochdale and Bolton. He's not quite got the same ring about it. But I took the job, I took the job. And the purpose of this conversation is I took the job. And I ran this business and his and his intention was to sell the business within three years. And my job was to prepare the business for sale and to grow the business and improve the profitability and get as much money for it as possibly could. And I speak when I speak to people now and I mentor and I do public speaking. I always say when you're building a business, you need to know your exit. Where's your exit? Who you're building it for? What's the purpose? Where's the exit? And, and the beauty of this job. And the reason I really really wanted this job and I never told him was because I knew the exit was Thomas Cook. And knew it was that the products that we had fill gaps in Thomas Cook's portfolio. So what I did for the next three years was I intentionally built this business to the point where Thomas Cook's, in my view had to buy everything we did as a board. We said how does that affect Thomas Cook buy in this business? How will that impact on that decision making process when it comes to the exit. And when we came to the exit after three years, we came to the exit we had lots of offers for the business and Thomas Cook's didn't come into the didn't come into the fray. And and I remember, we got a fantastic offer the business and Ken wanted to take the offer. And I said we can't take it. And he said why not. I said because Thomas Cook's are buying this business, and they've not come to the table. And he said like this Friday, I'm going to give you till Tuesday. And if Thomas cooks, I'm coming by Tuesday, then we're going to sell it to German, the Germans. And I knew I knew that Thomas Cook we're going about this right from day one to import right from the very beginning. So I left the office and I ran the CL telescope guy that a new car money and some money, you know what to say, oh, you know, we're in play, you know, it fits your portfolio. You're acquisitive, why are you not at the table? Why have you not made me an offer? And he said, because we think the business is you and your management team. And we think if we buy it, you're gonna make a lot of money. And you're gonna leave me less motivated. And we're going to look at a business that we can't integrate. That doesn't really we don't really understand because it's got no leadership, no guidance. And I said money, there's something that you need to know. And he said, What's that, and I said, from being a 19 year old, he would one shop in Huddersfield. I always wanted your job offer, I wanted your job. I said, so if you are going to buy this business now if you'll come in and buy this business, and give me a seat on the board at Thomas Cook. I will guarantee you that I will work and integrate this business and I will stay with Thomas scripts the next five years I'll send a service contract. And he said and he said he said will you do that? I said yes. They said let me think about it for 24 hours and it came back 24 hours later and they bought the business it's incredible. So because I always knew the words I always knew the word. I always knew the word and they came back and they bought the business and they gave me a job and they gave me a seat on the board and and that was the the ambition almost fulfilled until within a year the management change changes have taken taken place and who just who was the shoo in for the CEOs job was truly so yeah, it just all I mean I made it happen. I genuinely believe I made that deal happen.
Dimple Thakrar:And here's here's what I want to add to this Terry because it's so I want this to land for people in your story because it's so profound 90 You decided 18 you decided you want to do to be the CEO of Thomas Cook, you had no idea how this is what I want. This is what I want for it to land. You had no idea how you did not have that was none of your goddamn business. You knew your why you knew you want and you went for it. And you said yes. When it felt right. Even though at that time, you couldn't see how that was going to get you to Thomas Cole. You had no clue. But you just knew that you were. And the other piece that I want people to really understanding the story is that it took over two decades for you to get there. But you weren't impatient. You didn't put a timeframe on it. You just knew. And it only took two decades. Yeah. Only took two decades, right? It couldn't take a lot longer. But you. And this is the beauty of this story. Thank you so much for sharing it. So that absolute congruent determination of setting that target setting that goal. not giving a shit about that how, knowing the why. And not even caring about the when. And trusting your gut instinct. Right? So thank you for sharing that. I want to come on to trusting your gut instinct. And I want to come on to you mentioned your family. I want to come on to the day we met. It's a pretty wild meeting, right? Like everything it seems in your life.
Terry Fisher:You had your dog with you. And he said, You came over to my table. He said, You look like you need to borrow my dog and you need to sit and stare at my dog for a few minutes. And you put the dog in my lap. I remember that had never met you before in my life. And there's this strange woman coming over and giving me a doctor's stroke. And I'm like, What the hell? Why do I need to do that? And then within about three strokes, I realised I was like, Yeah, I was having a bad day that there was no, yeah. And you brought me right back down. Right back down. Amazing. Yeah,
Dimple Thakrar:yeah, it was a wild day, we were sat in this carpet, coffee shop, it was outdoors. And I noticed you come in, I thought he looks so dapper. The way he's dressed is really and yet your energy was off. I could feel it. I could feel there was your heart was hurting, your energy was off. And I don't know why I went with my intuition. I talked directly over to you. And I said, and this is the first time ladies and gentlemen I've ever taken my dog to a random man. Let me tell you, it's not something I do regularly. Just get him a coffee, you just you just looked as though you needed to be taken care of. And just a moment to connect with, with mother nature with Earth to ground. Right. And that was, yeah, yeah. And we got chatting. And I want to share this with people, Terry, because I want people to know that you can have it all. And behind the scenes that can be stuff that still needs work. And it doesn't mean that you are broken or need fixing or anything. It just means you're willing to be open to grow in in all areas of your life. And that's what I adore about you, Terry, is that you were willing to go, I need to work on this, or I need to grow in this and not embarrassed about it. Right. So tell us about that conversation. What was it that you felt I could support you with?
Terry Fisher:So so the reason I was having a bad day, I was having a really shitty time with my ex wife with Louise. So we've built all these businesses to be incredibly successful. But unfortunately, Louise and I had it separated. And a lot of that was down to my business determination and single mindedness that to achieve my ambition. But what I've forgot about along the way, was maybe looking after what her needs were and what she really wants to do in life. And I just went for what I wanted. And it was something that I regret very much. And we developed, we separated and subsequently divorced. And I was having a bad day because my kids who were probably 12 and 14 at the time, it's probably five years ago, right? 13 and 15 that kanabec were saying to be done. This is really hard because every conversation I was having with the weeds or something through the kids, tell him on this. She'd be like, sorry about that. And we were using the kids as a conduit and it was horrible for them as teenagers. It was just awful. It was tearing them apart. And because of that it was it was tearing me apart and I just had this really really broken really horrible relationship with my ex wife. and it just got to the point it was it was, I remember it was the middle of November, when we max, it was like, four weeks before Christmas, I was going to shoot it down next why problem was shooting down on my kids, I was in my bed on my own. And I just hit a low point I really did. And it makes me quite emotional to think about it. And you You recognised something wrong, you didn't know what it was. And, and as I started to tell you this story, I could see you were smiling, I could see you, you're taking it all in and you're embracing it. And I'm like, or, you know, I've told you all of this, and I've opened up to some stroking your puppy. And that's not a euphemism, by the way, guys, and I'm stroking your puppy. And, and, and I took a minute and I said something about you tell me what you do. And when I save people like you like I guide people, and I repair relationships, and I can and and I can help you and I genuinely can help you with your situation. And I said I don't think anybody can help my situation. You said all I can. And I really can. And you and you said to me that day you said to me, Terry, I want you to think about something that you really want in this relationship. And I want you to aim really high, like aim high. Right? Certainly not certainly a target, aim high. And I said, I, smartass I want to be I want to be sat in my home on Christmas day for weeks time, on Christmas day, having Christmas Day lunch with my ex wife and my kids. And I'm gonna cry from when I tell this story, I'm sorry. And you said, Okay, let's work on that we can make that happen together, you and I can make that happen. And I said, that's impossible. You just don't understand how bad how broken, how horrible this relationship ends. And you said, I can fix it together, we can fix it, I can. In fact, you said to me, I can show you how to fix it. You're gonna fix it. And I'm going to show you how, and I'm going to guide you how to fix it. And that was the start of a beautiful relationship because it cancelled the rest of the story. Yes, four weeks later, guys, I was in my house on Christmas day with my ex wife and my kids having Christmas Day lunch. Thanks to this woman who is absolutely incredible. Incredible. It makes me crave and now dimple in it. It's like four years ago and it's and it's it's what day is it today is the 21st of December today. And in four days time, guess what I'm doing. I'm having Christmas to lunch with my ex wife and my kids and her parents and my parents. And we're not reconciling. But we're friends. We're friends enough to spend Christmas day together with the kids with the family or friends enough for me to invite for her to invite me around to her house on Boxing Day. Every time I'm in Leeds we meet we'll have lunch. We've got an incredible friendship. Now we're not we're not reconciled. We're not getting back together. But we're really good friends. We help each other and and we're there for each other and it's just incredible. Four years ago, we couldn't even speak to each other without speaking through our kids. Some amazing, amazing. Amazing, I can't thank you enough. It
Dimple Thakrar:just gets me so emotional, Terry, because it's ridiculous. It's these things you can have the private jets you can have everything. Yeah, but what really matters is this what really matters is like you're the father that you are blows me friggin away, and it was killing you. It's killing you kids
Terry Fisher:is greater than better than even if your web just got even better because as it evolves farther you divorce fathers generally speaking, and I'm being very generalistic do lose some contact with the kids and they do worry that they're gonna lose contact with their kids. And I'm now living in London and my daughter Jasmine is my next door neighbour. And I see her I see her every morning. I see her every night. I see her as much as I want to have dinner with as many times a week as I'm one and she's my next door neighbour and it's just fantastic. And we have this job because literally adults across the corridor from mine and she'll leave me to go home and I'll say message me let me know you got home saved just like that and live up to coder. How many more times we've got to go through the same job. Um, I don't know but it just makes me smile. It just makes me smile. And my son's University of Newcastle I speak to my son four or five times a day all positive stuff now none of its negative none of its about his mum none of its passing messages through backwards and forwards. It's all just father son, great banter, great chat, how you getting on how the girls in Newcastle? You know that kind of stuff. And I've got my daughter next door and I've got my wife, my ex wife Louise is a really good friend. And I never would have believed that possible four years ago, never in a million years. I just
Dimple Thakrar:love this story so much. I feel honoured and privileged and I'll tell you why. Because you People will think that, oh, well, it's easy. You know. And actually, it wasn't easy for you, the work that you did in that four weeks was soul searching tough. Like, you forget, like how you do business is how you do love. You frigging was so committed. And that's what it takes. That's the co creation. Because you're bang, gone, I wasn't going to fix it for you, I'd show you how. But it was up to you to do it. You did.
Terry Fisher:And I don't want anyone to think it's easy, because it's not your soul searching. There's a lot of honesty, you've got to be really, really honest with yourself, you've got to be honest. With your ex wife, I can remember sitting down with Louise and said, I'm sorry. For all the things I've done, I'm sorry for hurting you. And I'm sorry for how I've been the last few years, I'm sorry for the years that we were together that didn't give you enough attention and time and love. And I never considered your needs and your thoughts and, and I just blamed her for for everything. And I just didn't take into consideration anything like as much as I should have done. She's a great girl. She's a fantastic mother. Fantastic. And I never really gave her a chance to be a fantastic wife, because I was too busy doing what I was doing.
Dimple Thakrar:And it's all okay, because you live and learn, right? You live and learns and is healed, and you've healed and the children have healed. And I cannot thank you enough area, because you will never know the power of this message. There'll be somebody out there who was super successful, who is going through the same struggles. And because of your vulnerability today, because of your courage, it will help them know that it's possible for them to in whichever way shape or form they choose. Good luck, right? Good. That's the legacy that you leave on this planet, while living legacy is to let people know that you can have it all. You can have seven businesses sold. Right? You can have a loving family and be best friends with your ex wife. Right? Yeah. And you can feel deeply the sorrow for the mistakes, but they're not mistakes. Because the you've learned. Exactly, exactly. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart today, Terry, I know what this journey has been for you. And I want to honour you for your courage. Thank you for your commitment to truth and love and happiness and peace and honesty. Just blow me away.
Terry Fisher:Couldn't have done it without you them points. It's a team effort. It really is a team effort. And you showed me you show me what to do you. You you loaded the gun and I pulled the trigger. And that's how it worked. And it was it's been a fantastic journey. And I'm so grateful that we're still in touch we're still in contact with so part of each other's lives. And yeah, I just I'm grateful every day for the for the whole scenario Darcy my daughter every day I speak to my son every day I speak to I see Louise, I'm just grateful for for all your help because it could have been horrible for the next 20 years. And because of you it's not it's it's fantastic.
Dimple Thakrar:Folly only like, I think of you every day because it means the world. It means so and so. We met right, we lost touch for a little while and then we met randomly at the airport. Crazy. It was just crazy. So
Terry Fisher:we did lose touch a little bit, but I always send you messages. I will always send a message to them. I'm with Louise I'm going to Yasmin's graduation together and I always say thank you, and it's not possible without you. And I do always remember that. And I'm always grateful that and I always message you for that. So it's that time of the night four years ago today, today, but this time is this time of year. And yeah, it's been magic ever since unnecessarily.
Dimple Thakrar:I remember getting that message for you from young Christmas day. Yeah. That's president ever, ever. Yeah,
Terry Fisher:I think it was for my kids as well. The clue I bought them at Christmas, but all they were all that matter was we're all we're all together. We're all having lunch together. We're all family together.
Dimple Thakrar:Yeah, it's beautiful. So As we complete this conversation, where can people find you if they want you as a mentor? If they want you to come speak on their stage? Where can they find you, Terry?
Terry Fisher:Thank you. Yeah, I do. I do some one on one business coaching, now mentoring and public speaking. I've got a website, Terry Very easy to find. It's got all my details on. I'd love to hear from anybody that's interested and wants to work together. Or even anybody that just wants to ask me questions about you simply, if I can help with that, and anybody wants any more information on our references or details or anything, then then please reach out, please be in contact. We monitor the site regularly. And we always reply to every message we get. So thank you. I really appreciate that.
Dimple Thakrar:Thank you, Terry. Thank you for the gentleman. So without further ado, the final question that I asked all my guests to offer. If you could give somebody one piece of advice that goes beyond the words, what would it be,
Terry Fisher:I think, just believe, believe in yourself, believe you can achieve whatever you want to achieve. Anything is possible. You just set your mind to it. And you can make it happen. I was 19 and wanting to be CEO of Thomas Cox. And I made it happen. And I've done things subsequently where I've wanted to achieve certain things and I've put it out there, and I've achieved it. And I think you've just got to believe that the universe does listen. If you know how to how to manifest and how to believe in yourself. Then anything's achievable. Anything.
Dimple Thakrar:I love that. So thank you. It's been said from here. Thank you, Terry Terry Fisher, believe believe anything is possible if a 19 year old can say he's going to be the CEO of Thomas cork. He hasn't got a qualification to his name for it. And he did it. We frigging did it. Don't let anything stop you believe. It's been an honour and privilege to have Terry with us today. It's been an honour and privilege for the audience to share your time with us today. We don't take it lightly. You don't get it back. It's the highest commodity in our lives. Time is precious. Thank you so much from the dimpled background, Terry Fisher. God bless.
Terry Fisher:Thank you for the opportunity.