Beyond The Words
Embark on a journey beyond the confines of language with Dimple Thakrar, a seasoned clinical dietitian turned intuitive healer.
In "Beyond The Words," Dimple shares captivating stories that delve into the realm of intuition and the sixth sense. Drawing from her rich experiences in the National Health Service, she uncovers the profound connections that often go unspoken.
Discover the power of touch, the magic in unexplained moments, and the wisdom that lies beyond the logical mind. Join Dimple as she guides you through stories that resonate on a deeper level, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the unspoken language of the heart.
Tune in to Beyond The Words for an exploration of love, connection, and the extraordinary experiences that shape our lives. Let's go beyond the words and into a world where intuition reigns supreme.
Beyond The Words
026 Exploring Consciousness and Conflict Resolution with Radhika Lakhani
In this insightful podcast episode, join host Dimple Thakrar in a deep and meaningful conversation with Radhika (Rad) Lakhani, a seasoned conflict resolution and consciousness coaching professional. Rad shares her journey, delving into loss, compassion, and the transformative power of embracing one's true purpose.
Episode Highlights:
- Rad reflects on her personal experiences and how they shaped her understanding of spirituality and the eternal nature of the soul.
- The conversation explores the concept of reincarnation and how Rad's scepticism evolved into a profound belief through signs and symbols.
- The hosts discuss the lessons learned from challenging experiences, including miscarriage and loss, and how they can lead to personal growth and a higher level of humanity.
- Rad shares her current role as an advisor to thousands of clients going through challenging life transitions, emphasising the importance of inner conflict resolution.
- The episode delves into the multifaceted layers of conflict within ourselves, highlighting the connection between conflict and disconnection from one's purpose.
- Rad explains her mission to expand the definition of inner conflict and help individuals navigate divorce and separation with a higher level of consciousness.
Insights and Takeaways:
- Listeners gain valuable insights into the deeper aspects of conflict resolution, focusing on internal conflicts and disconnection from one's purpose.
- Rad's journey from a legal professional to a consciousness coach showcases the transformative power of aligning with one's true calling.
The episode encourages self-reflection and provides practical tools for healing, mindfulness, and navigating life transitions with clarity.
Connect with Radhika Lakhani:
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Join Dimple Thakrar and Radhika Lakhani in this thought-provoking episode that explores the realms of consciousness, conflict resolution, and the journey towards living a purposeful life. Gain valuable insights, tools, and inspiration for navigating life's challenges with grace and mindfulness. Remember who you are and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.
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Hello, and welcome back to beyond the words with me dimple fakra Oh my god. Today have we got a conversation for you? I want to start by introducing this beautiful woman who I met in person in Mexico. And I felt like I met her in a mastermind with Melanie and Leia the channel. And the moment I met this beautiful woman I knew she was like my little sister. I knew I just felt in my heart of hearts know when you meet somebody and you know them, like, you know their soul. And they look at you, and they know you. That is this woman. And then I got to meet her, all my fucking God. What a woman. What a story. You will not believe the success this woman has, like, people think, Oh, everybody gets handed on a plane? No, this is a completely different situation. And so without, gosh, I'm filling up already, because I know what this conversation is. Without further ado, I would love to introduce radica literally like to be known as rad. Just welcome. Thank
Radhika Lakhani:you so much for having me and for that beautiful introduction. And that's definitely how I felt as well. It was immediate sistership sisterhood. And yeah, it's like no time. No space. We've done this before. So done this before. Yeah, we have connections on so many levels.
Dimple Thakrar:Yeah. So thank you so much for for coming today. And this is a second run a re replay because the first time it just wasn't right. The frequency was off for both of us. And we don't need to make a story about that, or any of it because we both believe in divine timing. And so I really believe that today's transmission today's message is meant to hit somebody today. Exactly. Today when they hear it in there today. So I'd love I'd love for us to start with you speaking to your story. And your was a divorce attorney now gone into the coaching world, supporting conscious parenting, conscious communication, conscious divorcing, like this is such a wild conversation and place to be right. And I'd love to I never read anybody's bio, I always leave it to the show notes. Because I really want people to get to know who you are. So if you wouldn't mind giving us your story, like where did where did it all start? How did you get to where you are now?
Radhika Lakhani:Thank you. Um, so obviously, our stories are long, but I'll give you the context of that transition. Yeah. I always wanted to be a lawyer since I was a little girl. I don't know why. But I had a couple and say, you know, you cannot get an argument and this one, and I was a very shy like quieter one. But I guess when I had a point, I was very clear about it. And they were like, oh, you can't get you when she makes your point. It's over she this one should be a lawyer. And something about it clicked. And then I watched videos of Gandhi with my dad and what he was about and about freedom, fighting and peacekeeping in a new way. And I'm sure that resonated with my soul, because that stayed there as well. And so I did become a lawyer and thought I'd be you know, as life happens in adulthood happens, you start to shift what type of law you think you're going to do. And I went from humanitarian law to corporate law and ended up doing family law, which made perfect sense in the end, because I've always had this thing for children. And when I was doing the corporate law, I felt like I wasn't connecting to the actual client, right? It was like a project. And there'll be lots of hands on deck, but you never actually see the end result and you never see the human side to things. So I did fall in love with family law. And you know, a lot of people when they hear that I've transitioned into this new career, they assume rightly so that, you know, lawyering must have been very stressful family law must have been very emotional and hard to take. And it makes so much sense right, that you would be a meditation teacher. But actually, I've been so blessed to go from one beloved job to another I've loved every part of my life. And family law was No, no exception. In fact, I used to skip to work I used to skip home. Were there stressful moments for sure. Sure. But it was a job that was in alignment with my soul is exactly why I'm supposed to be on the planet. So I was able to do it with great ease in many ways, and settle 99.9% of the cases without ever needing to go to court. Even at the early stages, sometimes you would go to a case conference or mediation with the judge. We almost never had to go there. And when I did, I, I used to joke with my husband, but we used to keep a stat. But I would call him if we ever did the rare time go to court for that early intervention with the judge, which is the judge can actually make an order or anything, it's just to figure out what's the issue, I would settle it nine times out of 10 that day in the hallways of the court. And I would call my husband on the way and got settled, another one settled another one. So because I just needed the people in a room, just give me the people in a room. And sometimes to get lawyers attention, you know, for a full day. That's what we needed. And so I had a very different insight. Because of my own journey. I was on a spiritual quest on my own. I've been homeless, and since I was 16.
Dimple Thakrar:And older hold on two questions coming through to number one, homeless since you were 16. Right. Is that right? Yes. So let's talk about that. And then the other piece why children? Why are children so important? So let's, let's start with the homeless. Did that.
Radhika Lakhani:Yeah, so home, homeless at 16, in that my parents, who are amazing parents and loving parents, we were I was born and raised in Toronto, my dad's originally from Kenya. And he was rebuilding a business back in Nairobi. So for years, he was going back and forth. And at one point, it just became too much to do six months here, and six months there, I only had one year left of high school. And we had a family friend who also was in a similar situation. But they were moving to the States. And so they said to my dad, why does it right, just come stay with us for the year, and you had head on, don't wait for another year. And the little one would go with them my baby sister with me, she was nine and my older brother was 19 and kind of ready to strike out and try the whole independence thing. So that was originally the plan. That's what what was supposed to happen. But in the end, for circumstances out of everyone's control, including the fact that I wasn't even registered to the right school to be able to live with that family. And then by the time I could get registration, I couldn't get in the courses I needed for university, like English. I ended up staying with a whole chain of different in a whole chain of different residences. And I ended up moving nine times in 10 months. So it was pretty wild, I was pretty much living out of a couple of boxes and in a desk in a suitcase. And every move I made I realised, do I like I would always ask myself, Do I really need this book? Do I really need this thing that my mom gave me because I just moving everything became so complicated. So I went from like five boxes, to three boxes to two boxes, it's actually a real gift because you realise how little you need to survive, right? And how few things you need. If the house is burning down, what you would run out with is a very short list. In fact, there's only one thing which is a whole other story, but to do with my son who passed away. So that's kind of the beginning of it. And ever since then I was living on my own for the longest time. And my parents, God bless them, they would have run back onto a plane. And I'm sure come and try to save the situation. But my mum had high blood pressure. And we used to always worry that if we told her bad news, she would, you know, her health would be in jeopardy and especially being so far away, right? Like your best case is take three days to get. Yes. So I would always go to can't figure it out. And then I'll let them know where I am after. It's okay, I'll figure it out. And then I'll let them know where I'm after. And every time I move, they're like oh my God, why didn't you call us Why don't you tell us? But that's kind of in my nature to I'm a bit resourceful. I've learned so I kind of figured it out. But yeah, so that was the homelessness. And you know, the biggest dichotomy of that too was two things crystallised for me. One was that I realised home was always where I was. Right, like Home is where we are. And yes, you want brick and mortar and all of that, but it doesn't really define me anymore. And that helped be a divorce lawyer walking people through, you know, separating and usually losing the home that they were living in because they couldn't afford to keep it. The other aspect of that was the importance of having a stable home as a child, right So as a divorce lawyer when I was advising people that was always in the back of my mind that like, what can we do to make this peaceful? Because if you've decided to end it like I didn't help people get divorced I, they were already getting divorced. Do you see what I'm saying? Like, Oh, you want from ending marriages to repairing marriages. I'm like, why never ended them? I just helped them. finalise the details around ending them. Yes. If you're gonna do it,
Dimple Thakrar:that come to you with the decision made already wasn't
Radhika Lakhani:100%? Yeah, once you get to the door of a lawyer's office, and I remember hearing some best seller author recently about this. And he was also a divorce attorney for two decades, like myself. And he said, once you're at the lawyer's office, you're generally and you've started the process, not just a consultation, because a lot of people will come for a consult and then know their rights. And another option, call me in a year or two or never. But once you've started that snowball, you're pretty much decided you've decided, yeah, so. So yeah, the homelessness and you know, not having a home and the two was such a powerful thing to be able to share with people because on one hand, it was like, listen, you're going to be fine. You're going to be fine. And let's create a peaceful home for your child. And two peaceful homes is always much better than one tumultuous home and the studies are clear on that. Right? This is quite an interesting time when it came to children. I honestly did what I could. I've been told I have past life connections with children. I've been drawn to Mother Teresa my whole life, I had this whole theme around Mother Teresa like keep your days. I've just always been this baby whisperer. And I also was the eldest cousin and my family. When I turned seven, eight around them. There was a huge baby boom, that happened with all my aunts, like they were literally hatching every six months, there was an actual end. And I was like, Oh, give it to me. And it's kind of crazy when I look back. But when I was 12 years old, I could take one of them. I'm one of my and put them to bed, give them their bottle, set up the bed, put on the baby longer. And I go down and my aunt will be like, where's Where's where's sleeping? Here's the monitor you're finding Enjoy your dinner. I'm thinking and have grown adults who don't know how to do. I struggled with that when I moved kids. So yeah, it was just natural with kids. I've always been drawn to them. And yeah, so it's a beautiful pairing.
Dimple Thakrar:So tell me you it's weird the way the universe works. You have an incredible gift with children. And yet you were gifted the opportunity to witness one transition through you. And so tell us a little bit about that philosophy of why are baby born?
Radhika Lakhani:Yeah, when? So. We were highschool sweethearts, my husband and I. And I was 30 years old dancing on a speaker at my 38th birthday party realised, Okay, it's time to clean my ovaries, it's time to stop drinking. And we you know, like many people decided that that was the year we would try. And so we got pregnant, pretty much right away. And you know, the things that come easy sometimes you take for granted because we were like, oh, like you decide you have this is great. We were on looking at the development at six weeks. And then the following day, we lost the baby in a miscarriage the first pregnancy. It's very humbling experience. And it also reminds you of how, you know we were fighting when we found out we were just bickering about Bert toaster. I don't know. I mean, my husband at the doctor's when when we found out we were pregnant. But then three weeks later, when we were two weeks even later, when we found out that we had the miscarriage. We were holding hands, you know. So a month later, we try again we get pregnant again. And this time, we're more careful. We're more reverence. You know about life. We're more humble. We don't share quickly. We waited till four months to share with family and friends the news. And then because we had a big fat Indian wedding, we had a big fat, three big fat Indian baby showers we had like 300 people I want to say 250 At our baby showers together. So lots of onesies, lots of diaper, genies and all the things and then at 35 and a bit weeks, I went into labour and all to find out at the hospital that I was nine centimetres dilated the baby was breech. And they said you're going to have a C section. So I said okay, and the control freak me shockingly, was so calm about it. Like I still look back. Wow, you did not skip B I was just like, great, I don't have to push. Baby's gonna be out in a couple hours, I get to see him, like, let's do this when he was a boy, we had the name pick best day of our lives. And then they started doing an ultrasound on me. And that heartbeat that I kept hearing on the monitor, it turned out, it was actually only mine. And so I ended up delivering him. And, yeah, not the way that you would imagine it was that one moment from the best moment of your life. The dream come true to the worst moment that you never even could imagine. I had never heard of anyone going through something like this. Recently, I had one cousin in India who this had happened to and I remember thinking, it's funny read to him, but what we what we manifest in a way of evolution. Yes. I said, I said at that moment, when I found out my cousin's happened, one of my dearest cousins, probably 15 years prior, that will probably kill me. Like, I don't know how she went through that, that will probably kill me. And now I stand here to say, of course, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. And it turned out to be actually a really big miracle. I went on a whole spiritual journey, I unsubscribe from God's mailing list. I was very spiritual. But prior to that, but after this was like, Nope, we're done. I don't believe in you. I burned down every belief, thought understanding knowing that I had. And I just couldn't believe that a loving God could do this to a mother, like I just couldn't wrap my head around it. But the grace was bigger than my doubt. And I got sign after sign. And I was connected to a couple of really powerful mediums who I probably would never have called before. Who I was sceptically open to hearing from because it came through a really good referral. And both of them said to me, your son's coming back in your next pregnancy. And they didn't know me from a hole in the wall. And I was a lawyer at the time. So I was very good at, you know, making sure you can't lead the witness, right. Like I was like, and I was like, tell me what you see, because I am on your ship right now. And I was already a lawyer and then
Dimple Thakrar:like, I'm not giving the I would be given them everything, everything. You're like new. I'm not giving you anything. My
Radhika Lakhani:voice my tone everything straight and tell me what you see. And the first TDM is beautiful. So I probably referred over 300 people to at this point, she lives in Arkansas. And she said to me, you're holding a baby boy, he's newborn he's in your left arm and left handed and he's She said you're it's he's in a pink blanket. But it's a boy. He was in one of those two tone hospital blankets but the pink side was app and all the pictures. And she said he's coming back to you. And in fact, he's been around you this entire time. And he wants you to know he's with you right now. Open your eyes. I didn't tell her that my eyes were all closed. This was not on Zoom. This is on a phone call. You know old school landlines from my office when I finally still has a landline now but Right? And I said to her I'm like, What do you mean, there's she goes, he's showing me a picture of him next to you. picture of him. I do not have any. I had photos of him, but none I've ever shared and none on my desk. And she goes open your eyes. It's it's to the right of you. And I open my eyes. And she goes it's grey, black, white. And lo and behold, His ultrasound picture, which I forgot I had framed and put on my desk was beside me. She goes he's right next to you to the right. And because it's been there the whole time. And he's staying with you while you heal. And then he's coming back. Yeah, and yeah. It's crazy. The number of things that happened were crazy. I'm actually finishing a book on this God helped me 2024 Is the early 2004 I'm almost done writing the first draft. But so because there was so many so many, many, many signs and insights in this experience, but a year later on the exact same due date I had another baby boy and the day we confirmed his gender his name showed up on a licence plate. Wow
Dimple Thakrar:wow, that like you have had signs all along. When we've talked you have had signs from spirit or God, Creator Source whatever you want to use all and you know the thing that blows my mind I mean, I I haven't lost Baby to turn but I have lost five during miscarriages. And so I do have a understanding somewhat, but not to the same depth. And I get that, that feeling of why me? Why would Why would God do something so cruel. And and what I came to realise with mine is that I needed to have Kiera which was the child that I had after the five miscarriages, right? I needed to have care. And that my mom needed to have children with her in the spirit world. And I believe there were five balls that transitioned. And she'd always wanted to have two boys as grown children. Right. So yeah, and so that was the meaning I put on it for me, and it helped me. And so I, I love how you, you know, you said, what doesn't kill you makes you like, what is the meaning that you put for you or what was helped your soul settle. With that deep sorrow.
Radhika Lakhani:We're never alone. This is really the human experience that your soul is having. We go somewhere after this. We are. We are literally eternal, our soul is literally eternal. And I often say that, you know, we know how electricity works. We use it every day, we have a basic sense, right? We know that. We turn that light on, we press the button, that's electricity. But we don't know the inner workings of electricity, most of us, right. That's how I feel about reincarnation. And when I say I was sceptical, like I, I needed, like, proof beyond a reasonable doubt, right? Like I needed St. Mike's like, not just right, like the lawyer, like, I'm still not convinced, I'm still not convinced. And I think I just let it go and stack it and stack it and stack it and stack it. And the amount of grace that came through, literally is a book. That's how many signs and symbols. And so even in that medium call, I said to her, you know, can you ask him why this had to happen once I was satisfied after the 95 things she gave me? You know, we softened up at the last five minutes of the phone call. And I was like, can you ask why this happened? And she said he came here to show you how strong you are. And this is the thing and you know Melanie who connects us as well says like when the worst thing happens to you. Then that fear is completely wiped out. And of course, what I'd be devastated at the loss of someone of course. But I stand here knowing that it doesn't do what you think it's going to do. And if you allow it to evolve you you become a whole next level human being. So I was there in meditation after the loss because I thought I really still believe that everything happens to teach you something and I thought, Okay, what's the lesson because I don't ever want to do this again.
Dimple Thakrar:Like I'm learning it now because I don't like we both know that we will keep getting worse and worse and bigger and bigger lessons and experiences until we get it
Radhika Lakhani:until we get it exactly. Got the miscarriage had this loss. Okay, like, tell me what it is. I'm open. I'm humbled like, and actually I said, What are the lessons and I heard the words, compassion, and humility. And at first, I was so pissed off when I heard that because I was like, what? Like, what do you mean? I thought by now, you know, homeless at 16. And working with human beings and being who I was, I thought, I thought I was compassionate. I thought I was this, you know, street smart kid who knew that life's not all roses, and that you can get through it, I thought. But what I've realised is when you're here to master something, there's always more Yeah.
Dimple Thakrar:Just released expected.
Radhika Lakhani:Yeah. And I thought I believed but clearly I had questions still, and it shook my faith. And so I got to strengthen my faith through that. And now I actually teach programmes where faith is one of the modules and all of my key transformation programmes for CO parents, lawyers and entrepreneurs. And I, most days wouldn't call it faith for myself because it's so beyond faith for me now. It's,
Dimple Thakrar:I know who you are. It's who you are.
Radhika Lakhani:It's who I am. I just I know too much. You've seen too much to now say I believe, believing in something that you haven't seen. I see over and over.
Dimple Thakrar:So tell us a little bit about what you do now. So you've shared how you've got to this point in your life, you've shared your story you've shared like it a tiny window of story, actually. So I'm so grateful for that it it really, I find when people share their stories, it really shows the strength of character of who sat in front of you, it really shows the depth of what they've experienced, and why they and how they've navigated that for the highest good of themselves first, and then for others, right. And so, I'd love for you to now share out what is it you do now? And how have you enable that, that those experiences those opportunities, to no gift of as your work?
Radhika Lakhani:Thank you so much for that. So if you can imagine now, I had been without family, I had been uprooted, I had lost at the highest level. And I'm watching people go through loss and separation day after day. And what got me through was the books I was reading and the spirit connection and the meditation, and the retreats and the mindfulness and the conscious, you know, you've been asking things like, what is the lesson? And leaning into that? That now when I was the adviser to 1000s of clients going through the worst day of their lives? How could I not share what I knew?
Dimple Thakrar:Right? The reason?
Radhika Lakhani:Hmm, yeah. And I also because I love people, and I'm curious, and the way my brain works, I studied patterns. And what I started to see one at a time, one client at a time, was that conflict is so much more than what we understand it to be that we think the way to resolve conflict is to split the income and the children and the property. And that right, that's what the law is designed to do. And it's called conflict resolution. And I have a master's degree, even on top of my doctorate in law on just conflict resolution. But I realised that the conflict lives inside of us. And one of my missions now Dimboola is to really help people expand the definition of what inner conflict looks like, shift that outer strife that we're having with other people to coming back to ourselves to say, How did I get here? What do I need to heal? How can I empower myself through this? What are the beautiful lessons, I'm here to learn so I can become a more empowered, beautiful version of myself, and move the whole thing inwards. And they were kind of three elements to the conflict that I saw. And I started to when I didn't categorise in that way, I wasn't that sophisticated, I was kind of doing it, just intuitively one off one off. But now it's been 17 years since I started practising. And two years since I left fully four years since I officially started coaching, I see that there are multiple levels of conflict inside of us. And some of its obvious Some of it's the stuff that most of us are starting to tune into, like if you're listening to this podcast, you probably understand a little bit about trauma, and healing our past and healing our conditioning and how we were raised and how that creates this inner voice of doubt and fear and limited beliefs and how we can start to reshape that, right. So that's a big part of this, that I would start to help people with, to navigate through the divorce just to get us through this smoothly, right. Because I could see there was anger and there was hostility. And even if the case settled, the conflict continued. And the children in those homes were really impacted. And the clients that I had were so beautiful and so amazing. Obviously they didn't want that. So they were so open to the tools. So I would say what about a little meditation just to calm your mind, get some clarity, you're going through some major stuff right now. Anybody even on a good day, who was having to divide all these things that are important to them would really be struggling let alone the broken heart right and the love loss. It makes you very foggy so I would give them tools to heal their present and heal their past and start to be able to see more clearly through the windshield of their car so they can navigate their life. But then I also realised and below that conflict is also disconnection from your purpose. And it's so subtle, and we don't even realise. And I think they're having this gorgeous shift on the planet, where we're moving from doing the careers that our parents told us to do. You know, most of us were raised being told doctor, lawyer engineer, like, that's the way you know, like, just indoctrinated with such limited perspective, because that was the best that they had at that time, right? That was where the progression is that we're making more money. Now you and I know the entrepreneurs of the world are, you know, blowing all the professional nose out of the water. And I know so many lawyers like myself, doctors, physicians, everything, that don't want to do that job anymore, because either they've outlived it, or they were never supposed to do that to begin with. And what I've realised like, watch a parent who's not living their purpose, play with their child in the living room for half an hour, what you will see is conflict. And what I mean by conflict is you'll see disconnection, lack of focus, lack of Living from the heart, lack of being fully present, checking our phones, leaving to go get a coffee, leaving to go get a tea, you know, like not actually being able to be there. Because inside of us what happens, especially as we become a bit older, into our 30s, and 40s, like that midlife crisis, if we're not doing the thing that we came here to do, there's this inner angst that starts to rise. And it takes us out of our flow, because we're not in the flow, right? We're not in alignment with the flow, that life is trying to take us down the river of life. And we're stuck in the weeds or a boat is backwards, right? Or we're paddling upstream without a paddle like it feels like struggle, and angst and anxiety. Right? That too, also, now imagine you're feeling all stirred up inside, right? You're feeling tight, and you're not really happy smile at the grocery store. And when somebody tells you how you do and you say, I'm good, the inside deep in your core, you are not doing what you came here to do. And then your ex drops a bomb on you and says he's cheating on you. Or says he's not going to pay spousal support. And of course, reversing the genders works as well.
Unknown:That shit will blow up.
Radhika Lakhani:That conversation will blow up. And you think at the surface, it's about spousal support. You think at the surface is Forsch. Right? Yeah. What I've seen and what I've intuitively felt this whole time, is that what we need is people living their highest truth, their highest version, living in alignment with who they are, and why they're here. So that they're flowing in life. They're feeling less conflict. when conflict arises, they can navigate it. And things happen when people don't agree they can have a mature conversation about it. And the children thrive because of it.
Dimple Thakrar:Or based on the foundation of truth. Because as innate beings we feel destroys in every cell in our body.
Radhika Lakhani:That's right, that conflict. That's right, and that this truth feels like resistance, which is the opposite of flow. Yes. And so what I was doing informally for a decade with my private clients, like my law clients, because then I went and struck out on my own in 2010, I was downtown at the big firms. And then I started my own practice, I started giving them these tools. And the funniest thing was, I would give them the tools for free, like it was costing me money to give them these tools, because I would have clients waiting in the lobby. And I would turn off my timer, I would stop charging the client, because I didn't feel ethically correct to charge them for this. I would be like Okay, now that we've looked at your financial statement, we did what we needed to do, let's talk about, like, I kind of want to share this one thing with you. And they would be like, drinking it, you know, like, eyes wide open, full attention. And I realised I'm here for those parents. I'm here for the ones that are waking up the mass awakening that we're seeing on the planet, the parents who are ready to do divorce and separation and living into homes in a higher conscious way. Those were the people that found me
Dimple Thakrar:like you were doing your apprenticeship for what you're doing now. It's like that I did the same in the National Health Service. Yeah, doing the apprenticeship, doing over and above what you're supposed to do in your job. Doing that as well. But also then, the other stuff they really here for actually. Yeah,
Radhika Lakhani:exactly. And so I love that more. They love that more to be with me after their case. settled after a while, people were booking like, you know, $400 an hour or 350 Plus tax in our calls with me. And they didn't even know what to call it. And like, Hold on your case settled, like, I was so happy we celebrated that, like, why are you back? And they're like, Can we do that life stuff that like, like there was a blessing with the light stuff. And I was like, that's really the stuff I love talking about financial statements. I mean, you know, oh my god, we often would be in meetings, talking about the juicy stuff. And then we're like, okay, okay, we have to stop talking about this, we have to like, get back to business, and we got to deal with a child.
Dimple Thakrar:That will complete business in five, and you can check me
Radhika Lakhani:out, I just do that full time. Now I do
Dimple Thakrar:want to get so as we drove to an end, thank you so much for the depths of this conversation for the depth of your knowledge and wisdom. And I would love for you to just show people want to reach out and find you and tough time with you. How do they find you? Where's the best place?
Radhika Lakhani:Thank you. So the brand I created is called consciousness with Brad is pretty deep, the hardest word to spell in dictionary, but you'll find it and that's what it is on IG and on my website, consciousness with Brad, she's awesome. All the programmes, the free meditations, I have a free communication masterclass on there still right now, which will eventually become a low ticket offer. But it's there it was gold for people who want to learn to bring more communication tools to their home to their business. So there's multiple resources on the website, and then I do some private coaching as well.
Dimple Thakrar:Amazing. Thank you. Thank you. So without further ado, the final question that I asked all my guests, which is, if you had one piece of advice, that those beyond the words, what would that be?
Radhika Lakhani:Remember who you are. Remember
Dimple Thakrar:who you are. Thank you. Thank you so much for today. It's been an honour and privilege to sit with you and have this conversation. Appreciate you so much.
Radhika Lakhani:So thank you so much for having me. I love you.
Dimple Thakrar:I love you. And so, beautiful viewers, listeners audience. What a gift it has been today for us all. I want to deeply say thank you, to you for your time, your energy, your efforts, and for the opportunity for you to hear us and see us and the gifts that you give us. Don't take it lightly. It's a privilege. It's a real privilege. You don't get this time back and you chose it to spend it with us. Take care God bless