Beyond The Words
Embark on a journey beyond the confines of language with Dimple Thakrar, a seasoned clinical dietitian turned intuitive healer.
In "Beyond The Words," Dimple shares captivating stories that delve into the realm of intuition and the sixth sense. Drawing from her rich experiences in the National Health Service, she uncovers the profound connections that often go unspoken.
Discover the power of touch, the magic in unexplained moments, and the wisdom that lies beyond the logical mind. Join Dimple as she guides you through stories that resonate on a deeper level, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the unspoken language of the heart.
Tune in to Beyond The Words for an exploration of love, connection, and the extraordinary experiences that shape our lives. Let's go beyond the words and into a world where intuition reigns supreme.
Beyond The Words
025 Choosing You First - A Spiritual Smackdown Journey with Jaclyn Shaw
Welcome to another soul-stirring episode of "Beyond the Words" with your hosts Dimple Thakrar and the incredible Jaclyn Shaw. In this episode, Jaclyn shares profound insights from her spiritual journey, emphasising the importance of choosing oneself and embracing the spiritual smackdowns that lead to transformation.
Key Takeaways:
1. Choosing You First: Jaclyn highlights the transformative power of choosing oneself. By prioritising your own frequency and truth, you open doors to abundance in various aspects of life, including relationships, parenting, and business.
2. The Spiritual Smackdown: Jaclyn describes the spiritual smackdown as a playful yet powerful wake-up call from the universe. It occurs when you resist your own truth, prompting a shift towards self-awareness and a deeper understanding of your spiritual essence.
3. Trusting the Unknown: The conversation delves into the concept of trust, especially in the face of uncertainty. Jaclyn shares personal experiences, including walking away from a successful business, trusting her intuition during a separation, and navigating the unknown with faith.
4. The Remembrance of Who You Are: The hosts explore the significance of spiritual texts and books as tools for remembrance. Jaclyn emphasises the importance of revisiting the same texts, allowing the wisdom within to deepen and resonate with the reader's evolving understanding.
How to Connect with Jaclyn:
- Podcast: The Jaclyn Shaw Podcast
- Instagram: @jaclyn_shaw_
Closing Thoughts:
Dimple and Jaclyn wrap up the episode by encouraging listeners to choose themselves and embrace their divine essence. The simplicity of life becomes evident when you lead with your truth and acknowledge the extraordinary being that you are.
Thank you for joining us on another enlightening journey "Beyond the Words." Stay tuned for more transformative conversations. Until next time, choose yourself and live in the full expression of who you are.
Dimple Thakrar Resource Links:
Website: https://dimpleglobal.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dimple.thakrar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dimplethakrar/
Hello, and welcome back to beyond the words with me, dimple Sacra, today, I have to tell you, I have the most incredible guest. I first felt this beautiful lady out of nowhere through an aligned deep coach Melania layer on one of her programmes, and I honestly hadn't even listened to all of Melanie's programmes. And then something pulled me to this one series, right that was on. And it was the one piece that this particular lady was running, never met the woman before. And I invested four or five, four figures like that. I just knew, I just knew the energetics of this woman, I kid you not. So without further ado, let me introduce to you the most incredible, the most heartfelt, the most honest and truthful woman. I am gifted and privileged to call one of my mentors. And that is Jacqueline Show. Welcome. Welcome,
Jaclyn Shaw:oh my gosh dimple. Thank you, thank you so much, I am so happy to be diving into this conversation with you. And right from the beginning, like as you said, The words beyond the words like I started to get emotional, I started to feel it, I feel like this just brings in so much significance have of how you and I have connected from the beginning. Like I don't feel like it took words, I remember that, that that call that you came in for and I felt your energy. And so when you messaged me after was just this, like, boom here, like we both felt that we both dropped in. And I think that's happened a couple times since even with you show up for some trainings that are in the Alpha femme world and like, Oh, I didn't even know it's Jack. And it is. Yeah. And it's like we we, um, so much of what I talk about as well as like we speak in frequency we speak in energetics first.
Dimple Thakrar:Yes, every time I feel like it's an elegant dance with you and and, and with everybody that our paths cross, right. And this, I love that you said that because the potency of this name of the podcast the way it came about. It was five years in the procrastination I had the name five years ago. And there was no doubt it had to be this, this and I actually did a podcast on why it's called beyond the words, right? And, and so what I love about you is that you entered a moment in my life when I fully embodied what that actually means when it's frequency bursts. So, Jack, I would love for you to speak into this. How would you how did you come to this place of deep embodiment of beyond the words literally? Yeah,
Jaclyn Shaw:for me, it was like, honestly, like really understanding that so much can be spoken in different ways. So it's we don't just speak through words, we speak through our eyes, we speak through our photos we speak in energetics first. And so I started it and I truthfully don't even know at what point this was for myself. But I really started to look at everything is energy. And I started to look at things that I was choosing. And I was and I just would ask myself, What does this do to my auric field? Does it feel like it expands my energy does it feel like it can tracks my energy. And when I looked at my life this way, it was it was like I gave myself so much permission to choose me to choose me first because I started to understand that when I put my frequency first it impacted my energetic field, which meant it then impacted anyone's energetic field that came into contact with me. So it's like the more I put my frequency first, the more that people around me get to feel the truth of who I am. And I feel like the more that people feel the truth of who I am, the more they feel the truth of who they are. And the more they feel the truth of who they are, the more I feel the truth of who I am.
Dimple Thakrar:It's like infinity Exactly. Right. Infinity. And, you know, I want people to know how brave that is to go over brave, honest and loving.
Jaclyn Shaw:I love that you're loving they're like brave, honest and loving. And I often talk about this like talking frequency you know in energetics like the frequency of love the frequency of Truth like, these are the true frequencies. And so the frequency of truth is always been felt it's always been received by others as well.
Dimple Thakrar:So good, so good. So tell us what is, you know, what is frequency? First? What is energetics? How would you, you know, for somebody that's new to this, that's, you know, dipping their toe in, I kind of call it. And I have my own spiritual awakening where I came out of the closet. Yeah, right. Yeah. So for some details, closet doors are just opening and they're dipping their toe? What would you say? Well, dare I say
Jaclyn Shaw:that the concept of frequency first is beyond the words beyond the words, we're gonna be able to use here. Because I also just really want to share it's something that likely if you're listening right now, you're feeling. And so if you go to your mind right now, in this moment to try to make sense of that feeling if we try to make it tangible? Well, energetics isn't in the tangible. And this is what I often find happens in energetics, and we're talking frequency it's like, but let my, like human make sense of this, let my mind make sense of this. Let me get it, let me understand it. And it's like, can we understand that there's gonna be things that we can't make sense of, there's gonna be things that it's like, it's a feeling, it's an instinct, it's an intuition. For me, it just feels like there's a depth of knowing. And it's, it's like, it hits me like deep in my core, and it's, like, undeniable. And so, for me, frequency first begins more with a feeling. And it's like, can I remain in the feeling of this, versus going up into that mind and trying to logic trying to, like, make sense of it.
Dimple Thakrar:I love that. And so I love that. Yeah, and
Jaclyn Shaw:just like so like, what I might say, as an example is like you, you, um, this is how I even use social media. I believe that people feel like I connect with my soul clients in the ethers. And then like you said, like how you and I connected, it's like, in a moment there feels this remembrance or feels this resonance. And so for social media, let's say even me, I've went through a whole love hate journey with social media. When I used to use social media the way I thought I needed to use it in order to grow my business, and in order to like, get clients to buy. And then when I started really understanding frequency and energetics as people are gonna know that they know me know that I'm the mentor for them through not just my words that I write, but through the photos through the like I said, like the connection and the eyes. And so then when I started to do even photo shoots for my social media, it was like, Well, what do I want people to feel when they land here. And so when whenever anyone lands on my social media, I'm like, I want them to feel depth, I want them to feel the power within me so that they can also feel the power within that. And so I hold this context, on my social media, where it's like, the photos, show depth, the words Express depth, the music for the reels, convey that energy, of depth. And so this is truly why it's beyond the words. It's like you trust in that, that moment where you can't even make sense of it. And all of a sudden, you're drawn to someone's social media, or you're drawn to a conversation like this. And you're like, I want to find out more about this person is that like, can we trust in that feeling, because you're feeling the energetics before you can understand it.
Dimple Thakrar:I have to tell you, this is so powerful when you get it. It's so powerful when you get it I love the way you've described how you use it in social media. And the reason it's so powerful is because I feel the same I did alive the other day, and I haven't done a live in months 20 people jumped on. And it and the first question I asked was not Where are you from? But how do you know me? How did you come into my world? And I've never done that before. And I was quite fascinated with the response. It was really weird. A video came up of you and I get I got called to your message. They couldn't tell me logically what they do. What message what real it was. Yep.
Jaclyn Shaw:This is honestly most of my clients. And I often say I'm like, it's like they my soul clients fall from heaven into my lap. Because often it is this. It's like, I don't even know how you came up. But you came up, or an example that I have this that's really relevant, right? Or right now, like just timewise. I just finished leading an in person VIP experience here. I live in Costa Rica. And there was five women that came and each woman said at different times, not just like, oh yeah, that's why I came to when I asked like what brought you here? It's like, I don't know. Like, I don't absolutely know. And then I can it's gonna sound weird. I was like, No, that's not sound weird at all. But I don't know. I just knew I was meant to be here. And so the women came not knowing why they were coming but they left Knowing why they came. And it's this kind of feeling, right? It's this kind of some of them childhood from Euro, right? Yeah. Yeah. And it's this sorry to interrupt. No. And I was just gonna say it's this feeling. It's like, again, not needing to like, figure it out not needing to go to that mind not needing to make sense of it, and allowing the energy to truly lead. And when I say the energy, it's your intuition. It's that feeling you feel deep inside. It's that feeling that may feel sometimes like, oh, shit, that scary. Can I really do this, it's like, we almost want to talk ourselves out of it sometimes. And it's like, I trust in my soul, knowing that we are here on a soul journey, as well as a human journey.
Dimple Thakrar:So tell us out when, when in your life did you where it was difficult trust in that weather, because sometimes I talk about aligned action. And sometimes people assume that aligned action is all fun. And can see. It's not true. Like often
Jaclyn Shaw:times, like this, for me is actually like the hardest work. The hardest work is the coming back into this space of trust. And I, there's something that you said earlier, and I wanted to share this, so I'm gonna just come now, but it's, it's this feeling that it feels so foreign, sometimes, like it feels so unnatural to like, trust in the energy that we feel to allow our soul to lead to be in the state of trust. Like, it's like, well, that's not how we naturally are, is what our human thinks. But it's like, in truth, like, that is the most natural state in which we're designed to operate. We've just gotten out of alignment with that. And so it's like we've we've learned to not trust, we betrayed ourselves. So we don't trust ourselves, like the conditioning, just how we've lived life has led us to not trust ourselves. But when we come back into this place of trust, it really does feel like home, it does end up feeling like something we naturally do, I'm gonna say, but it's something we naturally do, because it's who we are. So when we recognise that this is who we truly are, when we decide that we feel the most alive in the unknown, because the unknown is always going to exist. And so oftentimes, you know, when people are in the unknown, they're like, how do I hold this energy in the void? Or how do I, like get to the other side of the unknown? And it's like, no, yeah, no one is where the magic is, like, the unknown is where the quantum exists. The unknown is where it's like when you can, when you can learn to love the unknown when you feel alive in the unknown when you dance and play in the unknown realm. Like, that's when you open yourself up to all the magic of the universe.
Dimple Thakrar:I just want that to land in my body. Just for a moment. I just want that to be present in my body. Right? Yeah. Dancing, the unknown dancing in the magic of the universe. Right. Tony Robbins talks about? The key to success is how comfortable can you get in the uncomfortableness?
Jaclyn Shaw:Yeah, yeah, I often say I'm like, can you like can you be so certain about the uncertainty? Like, can you be so certain that you don't know? Can you be so certain that there's uncertainty can be so certain that there's things that you just can't see it, but they exist?
Dimple Thakrar:So magical. So, I would love I would love the audience to understand the depth of how you have walked this in your life?
Jaclyn Shaw:Oh, my gosh, well, let me tell you, I feel like because I talked so much about trust and energetics and frequency, I get gifted a lot of opportunities to really trust beyond what you know, whatever, I think I can go. It's like, okay, wait, there's a limit here. And it's like, no, every time I put in a limit, whether it's like a limit on time, or a limit on what I think I can hold, it's like, that's there being like, warranty, so cute. Like, you think that's not you think that this is it? Like no, no, no, no. Um, and I always say, you know, I get gifted these experiences to trust because how else can I lead in trust? If I'm like, Well, I've actually never had to really trust because everything just like falls into my into my lap and so gosh, in every which way, shape or form, I feel like trust has come come in for me, within, you know, trusting in a feeling and a knowing I had within my marriage when my husband and I were in a separation realised pregnant with my daughter, trusting in my business when I had a wildly successful business and burn it to the ground, not once but then while burn it to the ground once and rebuild it, and then with a business partner and then at the time felt complete with a business partner and and the business that we were running and it made no sense to walk away from it from a business That was making multiple, you know, multiple, seven figures. So it's like trusting and like, that makes no sense. And how many people tried to talk me out of it?
Dimple Thakrar:Can I just say one second, though, just for the audience to understand the depth of this, you walked away from a multiple seven figure business being the sole breadwinner in your home, just like let that land for a moment, right? Because I love the way you skim across it. But actually, the the, the reality of that in the 3d realm. It's,
Jaclyn Shaw:it's interesting, as you say that you you skim across it, because it was it was also just so quick like this is the thing is like, once I know I can't unknow and so I do move fast like this, this moment, when I felt that that business was in completion. And this is a business that I ran with my best friend. And it was incredible. And we had the most incredible clients. And we had a whole like, you know, whole of the courses, like everything created like and it was working, it wasn't like her and I fell out of our, our friendship, it wasn't like things had stopped working. It was like, it just feels complete. We had run our retreat, here in Costa Rica, and she lives in Canada, and I live here. And I was like, she was here for 10 days, and we barely got to hang out with each other as friends, because we were like, all of our conversations started to run, you know, revolve around business. And I was like, what would it look like if we were just friends again, and at this point, her and I had both started to build our own brand. And I knew I loved the direction I was headed to my own brand. I knew she loved the direction. And when it was like, Yeah, FEM is just complete. I it took, like, literally moments for that conversation to happen with her. And within like, 10 minutes of me opening the conversation with her. She was like, I feel the exact same way. Like we like we had the whole like, this is how things are going to complete there. And it felt in such alignment for each of us. But I had to trust them. That feeling I got, first I had to trust in that if I closed one door, and another was going to open that I was you know, somebody had asked me at this time making that decision. They were like, what could you trust? Not because you already just have like, had such success and all of these things? And I was like, no, no, like, I am the financial provider for my family. Like, it's not like I can just walk away from that business and not make money.
Dimple Thakrar:Right, right. And the same with the separation with your husband like these are all huge, huge pivotal moments in most people's lives. Huge. And so can you trust in that depth? And that level of knowingness?
Jaclyn Shaw:Do you know it's funny, as you say that I'm like, I'm really great at trusting and like those big moments, because I just just so clear, and I'm like, if not, it feels like this denial of my soul. And then oftentimes, it's like the little things that I'm like, That's just like silly for you to like, think that and so all like, just kind of it's like, you know, like the silly little things that I'm like, oh, and then I get somewhere and I'm like, oh, no, should have trusted that feeling that you were like, didn't want to be here.
Dimple Thakrar:So funny, isn't it? It's so funny how sometimes the big stuff? And what I'm feeling as you're saying it is this capacity to hold the big stuff, this capacity to release the big stuff? Yeah, right. This will. I always believe that you get gifted what you can handle? Yes, get absolutely gifted, what you are able to handle the app. And this just shows me the depths and the breadth of who you are in trusting of the energetics. Well, I
Jaclyn Shaw:will tell you very early on like this wasn't a straight up trust of the energetics like early on into you know, my I call it my spiritual SmackDown, which was my spiritual awakening was very much like, trust. And then let's see if I can like step in and force this like trust and then know like trust. And then can I manipulate the energetics here for things to happen a bit faster, like it was back and forth, and back and forth. And some days I would feel in such like, peace and trust. And then it was like, oh, no, like, we're not going that far. We're not trusting like, we're not having that amount of faith. And then every time like, every single time I stepped at a trust in this experience. In my life, it was like, smack in the face. It was like the tidal wave. And then I like kept kind of like over and over and over and over again is what it felt like because like now now now, are you going to like walk the talk that you say, like, are you actually going to trust or are you going to trust to a certain point, and then decide that you can't anymore? Hmm.
Dimple Thakrar:Interesting. So there's that there's all there's like, an apprenticeship? Yeah.
Jaclyn Shaw:And I want to share that for people too, because I think it's so easy to feel like when someone else is talking about, you know, trust and surrender and allowing your energy to lead to be like, Well, I just it's all the time and it's so and it's so natural, you know, at one point Um, I was having doing a live this was a few years ago with with my previous business partner, and she had shared on the live she was like, you know, Jack is just so naturally surrendered and Jack is so naturally in her feminine energy. And I was like what the wild F? And I was like, No, do you remember me like, however many years ago, I'm like not? Well, naturally in the sense that I believe that is our natural state for all of us. This is where like that hard work came in. But we were talking like this, for me was the heart like recode re repattern, these, these thoughts and the ideas where I was like, I want to trust and I just feel like I can't go beyond this. Because then I'm like, losing all control. And you know, we we are humans really like control. We really like to be like, know what we'd like to know what's coming. And so this is when I had, you know, what we've talked about before in the unknown and dancing in the unknown and feeling alive. And then that unknown, the unknown, like, scared the shit out of me then.
Dimple Thakrar:So what was it that helped you get more comfortable with the unknown?
Jaclyn Shaw:Just like what I had said before, like, every time I tried to control every time I tried to step in, it was like, a, like, a little explosion in my face. And I was like, it was like, I feel like I got no option. Like, I got no option. It was like, Hey, you want to keep blowing this up? Or do you want to like, and when I say this, it's like, because I already had this, like, I already had this notion of like, surrender and trust. And so I kept choosing not to is what it felt like. And so. And I strongly believe that trust is a choice we make, like we choose to trust. And so it was like, every time I stepped out of that every time was like I could choose to trust right here. I could choose peace, Oh, no. But I'm going to choose like to cling to like, again, this like manipulation energies, like I'm going to choose that. And I was like, nope, like that, that's just not even available for you anymore. It's kind of what I feel like the message was coming in from the universe.
Dimple Thakrar:And what's coming through for me is to ask you the connection between trust and safety. So you know, in all this time, right, because the comfort of the certainty is safe. It's
Jaclyn Shaw:so interesting, because I don't feel that. Really, I don't feel that. And this is like, making a logical decision doesn't feel safe to me. making the decisions that I've made before, like, doesn't feel safe for me, because that feels like well, then I'm moving from my head. I'm moving from what I think I know. Versus like, trusting in that intuition, trusting in what I feel in any given moment. And so needing to be certain like, I mean, like my true belief is like the world is so uncertain, like, every everything in your life is uncertain. And, you know, I got asked years ago when a podcast. So when my husband and I were separated was with my daughter, he had an affair, he was living with another woman for eight months. And I was interviewed on this podcast about my experience and healing in my marriage from infidelity. And she was like, my husband was travelling a lot at the time. And she's like, Well, how do you like, trust your husband? Like every time he leaves the house? And I was like, how do you trust yours? And she was like, well, because he's never, like, cheated out. He's never had an affair, like nothing's ever happened. And I was like, like, that was the exact same of my life, like, nothing happened until it did happen. It's like, I didn't see it coming. I didn't know there was no signs. And it's this. And I think that really led me into this place of knowing like we Life is uncertain.
Dimple Thakrar:Life is uncertain. So you may as well trust
Jaclyn Shaw:in that word. That's where for me I'm like, So trust is a choice. So then for me, it's like I'm gonna trust. It's not like, well, here's the truth. And this exam was like, it's not even like the trust in him. It's the trust in me, like, I know, with each, whatever, experience, whatever experiences I have in this life, like I trust in me, I trust that I've got me I trust that God's got me I trust that I'm not being given anything that I can't handle, I trust that I'm going to be okay. And so it was choosing to trust in myself choosing to trust at this level, which allows me to feel safe. Like I truly feel like the only way for us to be safe to feel safe sorry, is to be to fully completely who we are to be in our fullest self expression. Because if you're holding back if you're doing things just to please other people to not disappoint other people, if you're not being fully self expressed, if you're contracting in your words, if you're dialling down your words, you're doubling down your frequency. And so of course, then it's hard to try us because you're not being fully who you are. But when you're fully who you are when you're living in the full expression of who you are, that for me makes it easy to trust because it's like I trusted me.
Dimple Thakrar:Huge piece here. What I want to what I really want to bring home in this piece is an offer that I work with couples, I work with women, and myself included. Sourcing safety from your beloved. And then when there's betrayal, they're losing faith and trust in the relationship. And actually what you demonstrated there was it's irrelevant what they do or don't do. What's relevant is that you saw safety from yourself. And you trust yourself that you will be okay no matter what. Yeah. You are a spark of God. You are the divine. You are the one you are whatever the words are irrelevant. Yeah. It's that energetics of feeling that I'm okay the way I am okay the way because I saw sit for me and I trust me, in my divine, being nervous of who I am. And
Jaclyn Shaw:this is like, fascinating, I think because I feel like we have glimmers of feeling this. And I remember like, again, this was like very, like, this is my spiritual smacked. I wasn't really tuned into spirit at this point in time in my life, like I had been when I was younger, and then I just kind of like slammed the door. And then spirit came knocking again and again and again. And then the spiritual Smackdown came in. I remember like, walking with my son through a park like, you know, when you like just have those vivid memories moments. I remember pushing him in the stroller when I had this like, feeling just take over my being and it was like, You're gonna be okay. And I remember like, when the done like, I'm going to be okay, like, I'm gonna be okay. My baby's gonna be okay, my, like, we're gonna be okay. And my human wanted to fight that. It was like, no, no, this is like, we are not okay, we do not feel safe here at that point. Like, I didn't have my business. I was not financially secure. Like, it was like, no, no, we are not safe. And at the same time, this this feeling that kept being more powerful is You're okay. You're okay. You're okay. You're okay. And so this is where I had to, like, let go of these stories that I kept trying to tell myself up, I'm not okay. Because truly, I knew that I was okay. And that I was going to be okay, as long as I continued to listen. And when I say continue to listen like that, I listened to the whispers inside of me that I listened to my soul that I allowed my soul to lead that I trusted in what I felt and what I knew, even when like the world around me was like, showing me different things. It was like, Can you come back into this place of knowing inside yourself? Can you choose that over anything else again, and again and again and again.
Dimple Thakrar:So profound. I really my desire, my hope is that the audience listens to this several times. Because it will reach you on such a different level, each time you listen to it at different moments in your life. Like had I listened to this, even a year ago would learn very differently to now and in a year's time, it's going to learn very differently to me. Because we just get deeper and deeper and deeper in the knowingness in the Beingness.
Jaclyn Shaw:I love that. I love that you brought that here too, because I am a reader I love to read and people will often ask me like, what books are you reading? And I'm like, Oh, the same one as seven years ago, like I honestly like it's, it's very similar the books like The conversations with God series, a home with God, the interior Castle, Mary Magdalene revealed, like, these are some of my my favourites. And they literally go everywhere with me, they sit on my bedside table, and I'll read from the same books like again and again and again. And again. Because each time it hits different each time, it hits deeper. And so for me, it's not like, oh, I read to consume all and I mean, of course, I bring in other books, but it's like, I come back to the same ones. Again and again. And again. Because to me, it's not about consuming even more information, let's say it's like, no, these ones that touched my soul that create this remembrance with me, like, let me like, like, read it again and again and again and again, until it's so deeply part of who I am until it's so deeply embodied in me. And so oftentimes people will say to me, like, Well, how did you, you know, how did you step into like this level of trust? Like, honestly, there's something that sparks it in me and so I bring that into my life again and again and again. And again. It's like, every time like, I know when I forget who I am when I step out of that trust, like I literally know like open a book, read a few pages and like You're gonna remember who you are, which is the child of God, the child of the universe, a divine soul like. And so it's having, like, it's not a problem when we forget when we forget who we are. But then can we see the gift and the remembrance?
Dimple Thakrar:Beautiful? Can we see the gift in remembrance, and I almost feel as you were speaking, but it's almost as though the codes in the book. Remind your DNA?
Jaclyn Shaw:Exactly.
Dimple Thakrar:Remind your DNA at a cellular level of who you are. Yeah. And
Jaclyn Shaw:the interesting thing as like these books I get, of course, there's some things that I read in these books that I'm like, Oh, wow, that just blew my mind. But for the most part, it's like I read in the book, like, even the first times, and it's like, oh, yeah, this is like affirming what I've already felt inside. Like the first, the first book that I read, that I would say was more of a spiritual text was a return to love from Marianne Williamson. And it was like, I was in the space where, like, my spiritual SmackDown, not really trusting in myself, my intuition, and I would like write something. And then the next day, I would read like a very similar thing in the book. And I was like, Wait a second. Like, I was like, Did I read that first and then write but then I was like, No, I wrote then read like it was. And so sharing this because of course, there's like profound and mind blowing things that I'm reading in these books, but oftentimes, it just, it really feels like this remembrance. It's like it's such like, the truth that I read feels like the truth in my soul.
Dimple Thakrar:Yeah, and it's confirmation. That's all it is. It's
Jaclyn Shaw:a compliment. Yeah.
Dimple Thakrar:This is no new information. Yeah, it really is new information. Because we're all connected. We're one anyway. And
Jaclyn Shaw:I made some things I feel like this brings us back to that infinity symbol, right? When we said like, the more I'm an expression of who I am, the more you get to be an expression like that. And this is the way this infinity loop works. Hear around like that truth and the remembrance. It's like, every time like every time we speak truth, so people who are listening to this conversation right now, they're hearing two women speak in truth frequency, that's going to activate whoever's listening right now. It's gonna be activating your own truth frequency, whether you agree with us or not. So you're gonna be listening in and be like, ooh, this feels like truth. This feels like resonance. In my soul, you're remembering who you are. Or you may be like, this does not feel like truth. And this is my truth. But either way through our words, you're finding your own truth, which again, is such a beyond the words it's like beyond the words you find your own truth. So
Dimple Thakrar:good. So that so a few times you've talked about spiritual Smackdown. And that, you know, as we draw it to an end, I would love for you to just tell us what it what is that? What is a spiritual Smackdown so
Jaclyn Shaw:I have one of my clients, she's always she gives me such a hard time about using this word. She's like, why spiritual snide sound because it's really like, the smackdown feels harsh, you know, and, and rough, but it feels to me honestly, like light and playful. My first podcast was called the spiritual Smackdown podcast. And it's these moments in time, you know, other people will say, like, the dark night of the soul, like the spiritual Smackdown for me was, I had the opportunity many, many times where like, God universe spirit, like came knocking on my door, and I was like, nope, like, Nope, just gonna, like, ignore, ignore, like, slam that door in the face. And then I feel like the spiritual Smackdown comes in. When we ignore ourselves for too long. When we ignore our truth. We have this like, ping this feeling calling us somewhere and we're like, nope, not going there. And so, for me, it's like the smackdown comes in, when we're being called to rise, the smackdown comes in, when we already know that there's more for us to tap into. But we're not choosing it. We're resisting it. We're not moving. It's like, I mean, for me, I feel like God was like, but let me give her a reason to move. Let me give her a reason to remember who she is.
Dimple Thakrar:You can look back now can you enormous smile at Garden? Like, I feel like it's, it's almost a wake up call. It's like, hello, exactly. I mean, you pay attention. Exactly.
Jaclyn Shaw:Like, like, it was like, honestly, like, in the weeks even leading up to my spiritual Smackdown. Like, I remember, like having this like, thought, like, I wanted to write something. And then I was like, oh, gosh, well, is that too? When are people gonna think that's like, I created a vision or like a month before I was like, let me hide it in my closet. Because that's to like, you know, whatever it is. So like, there was like, just even like, these little moments of being like, can you be who you are here to be like, can you own who? Like not even like change who I was, it's like, can you own who you actually are? And I wasn't willing to and so it was like, Okay, well, let's, let's get where you're willing to know who you are, own who you are. Speak your truth into this one. World.
Dimple Thakrar:Good. Jacqueline Shaw. Thank you so much of your energy, your frequency, your spatial time today. If people want to reach out and work with you or get to understand, you know, feel more of you and be in your energetic space, where can they reach you?
Jaclyn Shaw:Well, as you can probably tell, like podcasting is just my favourite way because I love these conversations. I love the depth that we go into. So my podcast is my favourite place. It's the Jacqueline Tasha. And where I mostly, like most interactive on social media is Instagram.
Dimple Thakrar:Perfect. And is that your handle is your name? Yeah, sure.
Jaclyn Shaw:Yeah. Jacqueline underscore shop underscore.
Dimple Thakrar:Okay, perfect. Thank you so much. Yeah. So the final question that I asked all my guests, which is, if you could gift us one piece of wisdom that goes beyond the words, what would that be?
Jaclyn Shaw:I mean, the words that are just right here learning is choose you choose you choose, you first, know that it's okay. Like give yourself permission to choose you to put your frequency first. Because I promise you, that will ripple out into all areas of your life that will ripple out into your relationship that will ripple out into your parenting that will ripple out into your business that will ripple out into your wealth. You've got to choose you first you've got to understand the value that you bring to this world as who you are right now, in this moment, instead of trying to get somewhere or chase something like can you understand that who you are right now is extraordinary. And can you choose to lead with that? Can you choose to speak your truth? Can you choose to put your frequency your truth, your love first
Dimple Thakrar:and just have full body? Full body responds to that. Body response? You know, it's so fascinating. It's the simplicity of it. Yeah, how often do we not?
Jaclyn Shaw:This right here, I mean, you you didn't love it in my world. So you notice like I like life is simple. For me. Like life really is simple. For me. It's often like how much more spaciousness can I create? How much more can I live? How much more can I love? And it's like, the more we remember who we are, the more we remember our truth. The simpler it gets, the easier it gets.
Dimple Thakrar:We don't have to make it complex. We just do it. It's fun. Yeah. Without further ado, thank you so much for today.
Jaclyn Shaw:Thank you. Yes,
Dimple Thakrar:the moment was perfect. We rescheduled three times and today was the divine time. So
Jaclyn Shaw:thank you. This is such a powerful conversation. Thank you for bringing it forward into this world and I can't wait for your listeners to get to listen. Thank
Dimple Thakrar:you. Thank you. So to each and every one of you today that have gifted us your energy, your time, your spirit, your soul that was called forward to hear this today, and many days for many days. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It said privilege and honour to serve each and every one of you. With our pearls of wisdom, whether you agree or not you will understand your truth as Jacqueline said, in the contrast, or in in the truth of what you hear. Either way, it's perfect. So without further ado, thank you so much. It's an honour and privilege to serve you. God bless