Beyond The Words
Embark on a journey beyond the confines of language with Dimple Thakrar, a seasoned clinical dietitian turned intuitive healer.
In "Beyond The Words," Dimple shares captivating stories that delve into the realm of intuition and the sixth sense. Drawing from her rich experiences in the National Health Service, she uncovers the profound connections that often go unspoken.
Discover the power of touch, the magic in unexplained moments, and the wisdom that lies beyond the logical mind. Join Dimple as she guides you through stories that resonate on a deeper level, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the unspoken language of the heart.
Tune in to Beyond The Words for an exploration of love, connection, and the extraordinary experiences that shape our lives. Let's go beyond the words and into a world where intuition reigns supreme.
Beyond The Words
034 Embracing Life's Rollercoaster: A Journey of Resilience with Matt Hall
Hello, lovely listeners! Welcome to another insightful episode of Beyond the Words. I'm thrilled to have you join me for a heart-to-heart conversation with the remarkable Matt Hall. Today, we explore the intricacies of navigating life's challenges, finding strength in vulnerability, and the profound impact of mindset on our overall well-being.
In this captivating episode, Matt Hall, shares his journey of overcoming life's challenges. We delve into the emotions surrounding heartbreak, the power of vulnerability, and the pivotal role mindset plays in cultivating resilience. Matt's reflections provide a refreshing perspective on the human experience, emphasising the significance of embracing both the highs and lows.
Key Takeaways:
- The Power of Vulnerability: Matt eloquently expresses how vulnerability is not a weakness but a potent tool for personal growth. Drawing from personal experiences, he underscores the authenticity and connection that vulnerability fosters.
- Navigating Relationship Struggles: Reflecting on a recent breakup, Matt discusses the tools and self-development practices that facilitated his swift recovery. He acknowledges the intense emotions of such experiences while emphasising the resilience that can emerge.
- Impact of Mindset: Matt shares a compelling study on stress perception, revealing how our mindset towards stress significantly influences our health and lifespan. This insight sparks a thoughtful discussion on the broader implications of mindset in various aspects of life.
- The Slow Way is the Fast Way: Highlighting the value of a measured and intentional approach, Matt encourages listeners to savour the journey rather than rushing towards goals. The concept of 'do less better' serves as a powerful reminder to prioritize quality over quantity.
Connect with Matt Hall:
Join us for a conversation filled with laughter, vulnerability, and profound insights into navigating life's intricate tapestry.
Dimple Thakrar Resource Links:
Website: https://dimpleglobal.com/
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Beyond the Words EP34
[00:00:00] Dimple Thakrar: Welcome back to me Dimple Thakra on beyond the words today I have the most incredible guest. His name is Matt Hall. He is a Guinness world record holder.
[00:00:14] Dimple Thakrar: Oh my frigging God. And we met through a mutual friend and I have been a guest on his podcast, I think twice now. And this guy, honestly, when you get to meet him and listen to him and his story, your heart's going to swell. Your heart is just gonna swell so be prepared is all I'm saying. Be prepared.
[00:00:38] Dimple Thakrar: He's transformed his life and I've witnessed the growth. I've witnessed the transformation and it's been an honour and privilege to see it happen before my very eyes, without further ado, welcome Matt Hall! How are
[00:00:54] Matt Hall: you? Do you know, that's so lovely to hear you say that Dimple, and likewise I'm a massive fan of [00:01:00] the work that you're doing but just to hear that, it I'm a, I'm very much a person I've noticed as I've done the self reflection and the self work.
[00:01:07] Matt Hall: I live in the present and I focus a lot on the present and also planning ahead. And it's only when I have opportunities to do stuff like this, I actually reflect a lot on the past and just hearing you say that and hearing that it's, quite inspirational and things like that. It's Oh yeah.
[00:01:23] Matt Hall: Doing all right, actually. Ah, so thank you for that, Dimple. It was nice. It was nice to realize that. Thanks.
[00:01:29] Dimple Thakrar: Welcome! You're welcome, and it's truth, right? And that's such a poignant point. We're both in the self development world, and we always are talking about present and, future, and I actually feel sometimes there's, a lot of times, there's wisdom in the past, like to be able to see where you've come from, right?
[00:01:51] Dimple Thakrar: Matt, tell us a little bit about your story, would you? Gift us with that, just for our viewers.
[00:01:57] Matt Hall: Of course. I think like [00:02:00] in a nutshell, when I reflect on my young years and so on, I always had a lot of ambition. And I actually think, cause I have looked at this and I think a lot of it was not because I necessarily had a really challenging upbringing or, there was anything where there was a severe lack of anything.
[00:02:16] Matt Hall: I actually think it was the opposite, which might be interesting for people to hear, which is I had I loving family. I had two parents that are still together now and I was an only child and I feel guiding me along the way has always been on some subconscious level this massive need to thank them for what an amazing upbringing they gave me and I always had this ambition and when I look at it a lot of it is because I want to make them proud And I want to make sure the investment they've put into me as their son So that's something I only realized recently, actually.
[00:02:54] Matt Hall: So as long as I can remember, I was super ambitious, super passionate. I actually wanted to be [00:03:00] an actor and a performer, and I spent a lot of years in the performing arts industry in my younger years, but the problem was ambition when it's not managed correctly, and we don't understand the root of what's driving us can lead us down the wrong path.
[00:03:16] Matt Hall: And for me. The most pivotal moment, I think, on my life that I reflect on is when I got to about 27. I'd started my first company when I was 19, which was an entertainment management and agency. So we were managing bands and function bands, tribute acts, lookalikes, that kind of thing. It's a company I've still got today, actually.
[00:03:35] Matt Hall: And I was doing all the things that I Oh, you're supposed to do that's going to bring you success and joy. I have in my own business, go into the gym, having big goals, pushing myself out of my comfort zone. But actually I got to this point at 27 where my long term relationship broke down. My girlfriend of nearly seven years and I split up.
[00:03:57] Matt Hall: I'm at that point where I'm [00:04:00] approaching 30 and we all Oh my God, I thought 30. I thought I'd be a millionaire. I thought I'd be married. I thought I'd have three children. And actually, on reflection I was in a position where I was just busy being busy. I just about any money that came in, it seemed I always had to reinvest in the business.
[00:04:17] Matt Hall: I've been running this business now for, eight years at the time. And I was just bloody miserable. And I'm now completely single. I've got to go back into the dating world as someone at 27 who's never had to use a dating app or anything like that. And that point for me was where I really, for the first time, understood mental health.
[00:04:39] Matt Hall: Say again, sorry. I'm just
[00:04:41] Dimple Thakrar: saying, I'm just whispering, Ladies, he's available!
[00:04:44] Matt Hall: I am, I still this is a point in my journey when I was single, but I'm there again, Dimple, so I definitely need this podcast in my life to learn more. But I am single. But yeah, at that particular time, it was just a real realization that, I'd been in a relationship, [00:05:00] I had a business, and all this stuff, all these things that I thought would bring happiness, I actually found I was at the opposite.
[00:05:06] Matt Hall: And I understood what mental health was for the first time. I really, Got to a place where I was low, where I lost all ambition. I actually went from one extreme to the other, which is now I don't care about anything, I'm not bothered. And I got to a point where, I would never ever say that I was suicidal, but I do remember.
[00:05:26] Matt Hall: Not being bothered about waking up the next day, just being like, I was drinking a lot of alcohol because again, I'd not really drank. I'd always been somebody who worked rather than partied and all that. And I just went to the polar opposite. And for me, that's when I started to really eventually not initially, but eventually I started to learn about personal development and learn about how to take back control, realign with what I should be valuing.
[00:05:56] Matt Hall: And started this beautiful journey, basically of growth.[00:06:00]
[00:06:00] Dimple Thakrar: It's such a interesting story and I wanna pick up on a few things that just screamed at me as you were speaking. One that you single hot and gorgeous. That's another point. But thank you very Look what I want to share is a couple of really interesting things that you picked that you spoke about, and that is that we don't have to have a broken.
[00:06:22] Dimple Thakrar: story to succeed. So sometimes people assume that you can only push through pain and actually you can push through with love and pride. That was the first piece and how inspirational at 19 you knew what you wanted to do, right? That tells me the foundations that were laid from your parents were a gift, right?
[00:06:50] Dimple Thakrar: Yeah. Huge piece. And then the second piece is That's really screaming at me is that what we think will make us happy [00:07:00] isn't always What is
[00:07:03] Matt Hall: what we need, right? Absolutely. Yes, I love those points. You've picked up on because for me Yeah, 100 percent we hear all these rags to riches stories don't we about how people really suffered for success and We know that pain is a driver for human emotion.
[00:07:20] Matt Hall: Pain can be something that motivates us and it is strong, but it's not the only one. And actually, I think the more wholesome, more healthy way of achieving goals is when it comes from a place of love, like you said. And actually, when ambition isn't because of A lack of something. I need this because I'm lacking.
[00:07:40] Matt Hall: Actually ambitious, the foundation for ambition can be, I am enough and because I am good enough, because I am capable and able, I want to maximize what I'm capable of and that can be ambition that I think is so much more powerful But interestingly, you said there about, at 19 you knew [00:08:00] what you was doing and so on.
[00:08:00] Matt Hall: And I would just add to that, that I knew I wanted to do something great. And like you said, I had great parenting, but actually, I didn't have a clue what I was doing. And I think there's something we can take away from that as well, which is I didn't know what I was doing, but what I did do is see opportunity and think if somebody else can do it, why can't I, and I will learn as I go.
[00:08:23] Matt Hall: And one thing I've learned a lot as a coach is people don't have. That belief to just back themself to try and actually, if I fail, if I make a mistake, then it will just lead me to that next phase of my journey with a lot more experience and wisdom and knowledge because of those failures. And I think that's one thing that I've always had an element of is what's the worst that will happen?
[00:08:51] Matt Hall: And my answer is always I'm going to learn a hell of a lot. And I think if that's the answer. Anything becomes possible then and that's always been the [00:09:00] thing that I've guided by.
[00:09:02] Dimple Thakrar: I love that. I love the wisdom in that. And I agree, right? I, the moment I reframed mistakes to opportunities to grow, right?
[00:09:11] Dimple Thakrar: The moment I was like what's exactly, what a beautiful question. What's the worst thing that can happen? Cause often the fear of failure disables us from actually. having a go, right? And I can honestly say, I, and I said to you at the beginning of this podcast about how this podcast was five years in the procrastination, right?
[00:09:33] Dimple Thakrar: The fear of me actually being heard and seen in my own arena. I was really cool with being interviewed, really cool. Cause that was, It wasn't my space, right? And and what's so interesting is when I let go of the fear of the thing, it was actually a lot easier to do the thing and fun.
[00:09:54] Matt Hall: Yeah, it's liberating, completely.
[00:09:57] Matt Hall: And I reflect on that. So I started my podcast in [00:10:00] 2019 and there's something I said, a talk that I did recently, which is just be happy with being shit. Like the first time you do something, you will probably be shit. The second time you might be a little bit less shit. If you're all right with that, you then put yourself in a position to become excellent.
[00:10:18] Matt Hall: And it's that it's not having that fear of what will people think of me? Or because for me, I don't know, you might have a different experience, but. I feel quite similar. I'm happy to be a guest on a podcast, but for me, interviewing, I always found one of the hardest skill sets because you got to have seven brains on the go at the time.
[00:10:35] Matt Hall: You've got to be really listening. You've got to be present, but you've got to know where you want to take them. You've got to want to make sure you're giving the audience enough value, but you also want it to be natural and just like a normal chat. Like for me, there's so much going on in your brain. And actually, I wasn't a great interviewer for a long time.
[00:10:51] Matt Hall: I still, I'm nowhere near the world's best, but I've become so much better at the skill of interviewing by just being okay with being [00:11:00] shit and not allowing that to stop me doing it. You just keep doing it anyway. And I think that can be applied to anything in life, right? You've just got to be willing to know that everyone who became great had to start somewhere.
[00:11:12] Matt Hall: And so just start.
[00:11:14] Dimple Thakrar: I love that. That is going to be the quote of the day for me. Be okay with being shit. Be okay, Matt. Be okay with being shit. The listeners
[00:11:25] Matt Hall: are going to learn very quickly. I'm not about sophisticated quotes. They're just down to earth, very real and raw.
[00:11:31] Dimple Thakrar: I love that because you know why?
[00:11:33] Dimple Thakrar: I'll tell you why I love it. Because I have spent a lifetime beating the shit out of myself for being shit. The perfectionist. The perfectionist. And so many women, particularly, can relate to this in body image, in confidence, in mothering, in being a partner, in all the things, just in the way we present ourselves I literally want to really [00:12:00] bring this home that, and it's an example of me allowing my hair to just be grey.
[00:12:05] Dimple Thakrar: I spent 20 years Coloring the grey. 20 years. Hiding. Right?
[00:12:13] Matt Hall: Who you actually are. Who you naturally are. And it's beautiful as well. And it's unique. It looks amazing.
[00:12:20] Dimple Thakrar: Thank you. And I wasn't fishing for a compliment, but I'll definitely take it. I'll definitely take it. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[00:12:29] Dimple Thakrar: But we both
[00:12:29] Matt Hall: know as well What you're saying there about perfection, you and I both know there's the Tony Robbins quote that he says the lowest standard you can aim for is perfection because it doesn't exist. So it's I think once we can remove that need for perfection and go, it don't even exist anyway.
[00:12:47] Matt Hall: So why am I trying to make it perfect? It enables you to be authentic and authenticity, I believe is the closest you'll get for perfection being real.
[00:12:57] Dimple Thakrar: I love that and what like full body [00:13:00] chills as you're speaking and I know that means it's going to land for the listeners and the viewers as well.
[00:13:05] Dimple Thakrar: I love that because in being fully authentic, you get to love you fully authentically,
[00:13:11] Matt Hall: right? Amen. Amen.
[00:13:14] Dimple Thakrar: That frequency, then you're an energetic match for love. The truth, the real, true love, right? I wanna touch on something else that you shared in your story that is really fundamental and something that You know, it's actually one of the things that I believe is the biggest business hack on the planet.
[00:13:36] Dimple Thakrar: And it's the most underrated business hack on the planet. And it's the one that is least obvious and yet so obvious. And that is, it happened for Tony Robbins. It happened for Elon Musk. These are all great businessmen. And you've said it's happened for you as well. And that is, That when the foundation of your [00:14:00] intimate relationship crumbles, I have witnessed this happen for me in my life, particularly for men, they've built, if you think about the foundation of your intimate relationship is the foundation of your home, say, and then the house you build on that, the metaphor is, the house you build on that is Your family is, your business is, your empire is, your impact, how high that building can be will be determined by the strengths of the foundation.
[00:14:36] Dimple Thakrar: So if you have a rocky relationship, or even a relationship that's fallen away and broken, aka the foundations have crumbled, it's interesting to know how quickly businesses crumble, how brands go, how the man, the health, everything just crumbles away. And it's not that it happened with Elon Musk when he got divorced, it [00:15:00] happened with Tony Robbins when he got divorced, and you've said to me today, That when that relationship crumbled, you lost who you were in so many ways.
[00:15:10] Dimple Thakrar: Can you expand a bit on, on that piece from, I'd love a male point of view on that.
[00:15:16] Matt Hall: 100 percent for me, I feel that the biggest contributing factor to who I am is that intimate relationship. And equally, as somebody who's single, I find dating one of the hardest things, and one of the things I'm least confident in, and I struggle with the most, actually.
[00:15:36] Matt Hall: And I think because at the heart of it as human beings, we all desire love and connection. And it's one of the most powerful, important parts of being human, is feeling connected to other humans. And no more so than, you know An intimate partner and children and family and those kinds of connections.
[00:15:57] Matt Hall: So I think that when that [00:16:00] starts to fall apart and I've reflected, I went through a breakup just over a year ago at the time of recording and what was really nice, actually as horrible and as. as difficult as it was, is the tools that I'd learned over the years and the self development work that I'd done meant that I was able to bounce back way quicker.
[00:16:19] Matt Hall: I was able to deal with it and manage my emotions much better. However, that said, the actual raw emotion of what I went through was still just as horrific and just as painful. And we are emotional beings, right? We are. So when that When you think love and connection is so important for humans, and then when you think one of your most important relationships breaks down?
[00:16:45] Matt Hall: For me as a man, as a business owner, it is, it can feel all consuming and it and it's one of the hardest things still that I've not conquered is you know, that intimate relationship and deal with dealing with that, it's something I really [00:17:00] struggle with if I'm honest.
[00:17:01] Dimple Thakrar: Thank you for your vulnerability today and thank you for sharing that from a male point of view because there's so many of my listeners here that are female and that, we often question, and I had in the past, of how much men feel just because they don't say.
[00:17:19] Dimple Thakrar: Yeah. Their, their upbringing is different to women. We get to express our emotions and we're actually rewarded for expressing them. And men are punished for expressing them a lot of the time. It's
[00:17:33] Matt Hall: just an important point, isn't it? Yeah, a hundred percent. We all feel, I think we just talk culturally and societally to express that differently and what that can lead is a disconnect and often in relationships you feel like you're, fighting against each other and you're not.
[00:17:50] Matt Hall: Usually you're fighting for the same goal. You're just communicating it differently. So it feels like you're on a different team. And I think a lot of that is. What you're referring to there is [00:18:00] men. And we know it's really sad to know the mental health problems we've got for all genders, but specifically when we look at, male suicide rate and so on, we've got to look at that as being, it's a deeper societal and cultural problem that's driving that.
[00:18:14] Matt Hall: IE phrases that are still about now. And we're certainly about when I was growing up, man up and, be a man. And what that means is be strong. But what we relate that to mean is be emotionless, hide your emotions and, ignore your emotions. And that actually isn't being a strong man. A strong man is somebody who's able to convey their emotions, communicate them, understand their emotions, and then.
[00:18:38] Matt Hall: Manage them effectively, but it's not about not feeling them and not speaking about them.
[00:18:43] Dimple Thakrar: It's huge. And that piece on boys don't cry and stop crying and stop being a wimp and all that, right? And actually one of the most profound things that I've learned in doing all the relationship stuff is that when a man is as vulnerable with their [00:19:00] expressing their emotions in a very mature way, Not blaming anybody, just owning it fully, just like you did then.
[00:19:08] Dimple Thakrar: It actually is magnetic, it pulls us, as a woman, it pulls us towards you because, not from a mothering point of view, but more from a More from her. Oh my God, I can empathize with this man. He's opened his heart to me, right?
[00:19:29] Matt Hall: And it, as opposed to I always say it is a superpower. Go ahead. Not just in relationships, but vulnerability when it comes to business or anything.
[00:19:37] Matt Hall: We hear that overused phrase in business about people buy from people they know, and trust. And I think one of the Best ways you earn trust is when people see the real you. And it comes back to that theme of authenticity, but that takes you to own that, communicate that warts and all and say, I'm not a perfect human being.
[00:19:56] Matt Hall: Again, perfection doesn't exist and I'm comfortable. [00:20:00] Opening up about that and being vulnerable and what you find and what I've found is You don't only attract more people, but you attract the right people I think if people don't want you to open up and be honest They're probably not the best people to have around you anyway, right?
[00:20:15] Matt Hall: Yeah, it's
[00:20:16] Dimple Thakrar: huge. It's huge and I love you know something else That's coming through for me, Matt, and you speak of it so beautifully, and I call it energetic match. So you're an energetic match for who you are in that moment, right? So if you're being vulnerable, you're going to attract people who are comfortable being vulnerable.
[00:20:37] Dimple Thakrar: If you're hiding, you're going to attract people who hide. Yeah. And good luck with that. And it's a subconscious thing. Say it. Sorry. Say that again, Matt.
[00:20:46] Matt Hall: Yeah, I just said good luck with that. If you're hiding stuff and attracting other people that are hiding, like you can see there, the ripple effect.
[00:20:52] Matt Hall: That's not a great foundation again, is it? To be operating from. Yeah,
[00:20:58] Dimple Thakrar: and it's not to say that,[00:21:00] there's no judgment here. I talked about me coloring my hair for 20 years. That was right for me then. I didn't, it's a, it's what people sometimes will misunderstand is that you don't ever arrive at personal development.
[00:21:14] Dimple Thakrar: It's a process. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not the woman I am 20 years ago and I'm really happy with the woman I was 20 years ago because it's got me to where I am today.
[00:21:27] Matt Hall: I could talk about this for hours. I love that Dimple. I love, it's not about shaming the past you. We all have things where we look at it and it's easy to cringe or be embarrassed or think why was I so stupid?
[00:21:37] Matt Hall: But it's every single experience enriches that next decision and informs that next decision. And I think when you can. Be at peace with the past, but equally be at peace with the fact, as you say, we never arrive and actually just enjoy the aspects of constant learning and developing and experiencing. I think sometimes people can look at that and [00:22:00] go, Oh my God, I just want to arrive and I just want to everything.
[00:22:03] Matt Hall: But actually. We only need to listen to these stories do they call it gold medal syndrome and stuff, people that dedicate their lives to being athletes, or winning a certain title, or film actors and things like this, that once they achieve all they thought would bring them success, they suddenly re Feel empty and they feel lost and they lose their identity because they put all their happiness on arriving on that destination.
[00:22:28] Matt Hall: So when we can lose that and go, there is no big arrival. There's just constant growth and learning. And actually that is the beauty of life. That is the thing to enjoy. That's where we find true inner peace. Yeah. You're feeling it. That's the juice.
[00:22:44] Dimple Thakrar: That's the freaking juice, like. Holy shit, like I, I remember like being in front of Tony Robbins and I spoke about it on your podcast and how he saved my marriage, but he didn't in that moment.
[00:22:58] Dimple Thakrar: That was a piece of [00:23:00] the puzzle, right? Yeah. And as I experience menopause now, my whole frequency has shifted. And again, that's caused turmoil in my marriage. Does that mean it's not going to work? No, it just means I'm shifting as an energetic being and he gets to choose whether he's an energetic match for me.
[00:23:22] Dimple Thakrar: And it doesn't mean that all the work I did before is rubbish.
[00:23:27] Matt Hall: No. It's just a new life stage with new challenges and new growth and evolution that is required. And that's the attitude to have. Nothing in the past is wasted. It's all informed now. Who knows what the next chapter brings, but when we can see it from that, through that lens and through that perspective, then we can be open.
[00:23:47] Matt Hall: And that's the key, I think. So
[00:23:50] Dimple Thakrar: true. That openness and that ability to love the past. To actually honour the past. We started full circle with me honouring [00:24:00] your past to getting you to where you are now. And you being in a season where everything that you had in your relationship and all the personal development has meant that you've managed to transition through this next season with pain and love and compassion for yourself.
[00:24:19] Dimple Thakrar: Right?
[00:24:20] Matt Hall: 100%. Can you speak a little bit to
[00:24:22] Dimple Thakrar: that? Yeah. Yeah.
[00:24:24] Matt Hall: Yeah. I think that's part of being human. I think the problem we get, I talk a lot about emotion in my coaching and so on. And the problem we get is number one there's a great quote that I speak about, which is when emotion is high, logic is low.
[00:24:37] Matt Hall: So often we're led too much by emotion. And that can be positive emotions too, because negative emotions like anxiety and depression and things like that, we know generally what are going to be the consequences of that, but equally, when you feel you're God's gift, nothing can go wrong, and suddenly we end up spending too much money, we can still make poor decisions when emotion is high.
[00:24:58] Matt Hall: So Generally, it's about [00:25:00] recognizing that heightened emotion generally doesn't serve us. But the other thing as well is not putting any emotion too much on a pedestal in general. Every emotion is natural and is normal. It's within us as humans to feel anxiety, to feel pain, to feel upset, to feel hurt.
[00:25:18] Matt Hall: And they're just as important as feeling joy, happiness, pleasure. They all serve us in a way, and they all. are important to feel. So when we stop demonizing emotion or equally putting emotion on a pedestal, we can start to just embrace the different feelings and we can start to be a person that knows all emotion comes and goes.
[00:25:40] Matt Hall: So if things are feeling great, enjoy it, but no, they won't forever and that's okay. If things are feeling negative, understand what can this teach me? What can I learn from this? Why am I feeling this way? But also know that this too shall pass and it will subside and you will feel good again. And again, having a self awareness around emotion [00:26:00] and also recognizing your thoughts are not you and having that sort of outer body where you can look at yourself objectively, I think is really important.
[00:26:11] Matt Hall: When you're on, the journey of life as a human being.
[00:26:15] Dimple Thakrar: I love this conversation so much, Matt. You're so right. Like this higher perspective of yourself. And I often, what you've spoke of all the range of emotions, I often call them the rainbow, like the whole spectrum of emotions. Like we get to.
[00:26:32] Dimple Thakrar: We don't, it's not that it's happening to us. We get to feel the rainbow of emotions because we are human beings, right? And our souls, I believe, are designed to grow through the feelings of all the emotions. That's why we get to have this vessel to express so our souls can grow, right? And the piece on the different, the positive and negative and inverted commas[00:27:00] I actually believe help us.
[00:27:02] Dimple Thakrar: with the contrast. So we've got night and day,
[00:27:06] Matt Hall: right? I always say how can you ever appreciate fully at the highest level being in great shape if you've never been out of shape? How can you ever fully appreciate the highest level being in love if you've never experienced heartbreak? How can you ever really truly experience having wealth if you've never struggled and not had money?
[00:27:27] Matt Hall: So actually that contrast that you're referring to the dark side of it, if we want to call it that, only makes the light side even lighter, better, more worthwhile. Something else as well, which is a slight tangent, but I think it's related to what we're saying here about different feelings and emotions and how they serve us and how they're important.
[00:27:46] Matt Hall: Something I read recently in it was Stephen Bartlett's new book, The Diary of a CEO, which is a great, not just Business book, but just a book on life and personal development. There's a study in there and I don't know the exact, I've not got it to hand right [00:28:00] now. But there's something about talking about stress and stress tolerance.
[00:28:04] Matt Hall: And a lot of us just think like when we're being stressed out and we're going through stress, a lot of us just see stress as such a bad, negative emotion to feel. But actually stress is important. Stress is a human natural response to. Pressure. And I just want to share just briefly this study in the book that I thought was fascinating is I think they did a study of around 30, 000 adults, and I believe it was in America, and they asked them important questions.
[00:28:32] Matt Hall: And one of the questions was in the last year, how much stress have you experienced? And the other one was. Do you think stress is detrimental to your health? And then what they did is they studied these people and I think over an eight year plus period, and they checked like the death records and so on.
[00:28:50] Matt Hall: And what they found is based on that study, you are 42%, I believe it is, more likely of dying if. You've had a lot of [00:29:00] stress, but, and this was the big but, the key point, only if you had the belief that stress is detrimental to your health. And the even more interesting bit is out of everybody studied, the people who had the longest lifespan and the least.
[00:29:19] Matt Hall: sort of chance of dying younger, whatever, were not actually the people who had stress free lives and said, oh, I've had a really cool year, things are going well, I'm quite chill. It was actually the people that experienced highest levels of stress, but had the perspective That stress is positive. Stress gives us an opportunity to grow, to develop, to improve.
[00:29:41] Matt Hall: Stress is needed. We know things like cold water therapy. We know things like getting into the gym and move, putting our body under stress. We know things like pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone to start that business or talk on a stage or start this podcast, for example. Other things that actually, again, enriches our lives, grows us, [00:30:00] makes us more resilient.
[00:30:01] Matt Hall: So I just think it was a really important. Thing to share is to have that perspective that yes, there will be stresses in your life. There will be challenges. There will be hardships, but it's not necessarily the challenge to stress the hardship that is negative. It's your perspective on it that will determine whether it can be a positive thing.
[00:30:21] Matt Hall: Or a negative thing, slight tangent, but I hope that was useful.
[00:30:25] Dimple Thakrar: No, very. And I love the data and yeah, they, this whole piece on how we perceive we can be. And Joe, the producer was, and I were talking about this just before about somebody can be in the two people can be in the exact same situation, same environment, same everything.
[00:30:46] Dimple Thakrar: And perceive it in a completely different lens.
[00:30:49] Matt Hall: And that perception Completely different outcome, right?
[00:30:53] Dimple Thakrar: Exactly. And that, what you just said has just proved it, right? And therefore have a completely different outcome, [00:31:00] right? I worked in the NHS for 20 Yeah, I worked in the NHS for 22 years specializing in people with neurological conditions and I would be able to tell you two people with the same diagnosis, motor neurone disease, and I would know which one is going to survive the longest and which one is the same diagnosis.
[00:31:18] Dimple Thakrar: purely by their perception on their disease and how it debilitates their life.
[00:31:25] Matt Hall: Wow, that is absolutely, and it's so part, I think it's so important more people have these conversations because when you start to recognize your mindset and how you perceive the world and the situation, literally can determine how long you're likely to live.
[00:31:42] Matt Hall: This is so incredibly powerful, that study alone. 42 percent more likely to die based on the fact you perceive the stress you're going through to be bad. 42%! I think it was that statistic anyway, but yeah, it's literally mind blowing, right?
[00:31:59] Dimple Thakrar: There's no [00:32:00] medicine that can save you with that, right?
[00:32:02] Dimple Thakrar: There's no drugs, there's no, yeah.
[00:32:06] Matt Hall: It's so right. And I always say there's a phrase that people laugh because I say all the time, but look after the basics and the basics will look after you often, what you referred to there about medicine and so on, just looking after the basics, working on your mindset and working on your mental health and how you perceive things and things like sleep, for God's sake, sleep is like a wonder drug that is available and free to us all.
[00:32:30] Matt Hall: When we focus on these really things. Basic fundamental things like working on mindset, gratitude, personal development, sleep, nutrition, exercise. Those basic things that you don't need to have money to work on. These are the most powerful, sources of medicine, if you like, to have a happy, healthy, fulfilling life.
[00:32:50] Dimple Thakrar: This is so good. It's so good. Matt, so much for the pearls of wisdom that you have gifted us [00:33:00] today. The conversations, the data, the stories, just the inspiration that I just feel so blessed and privileged to have you. Where can people find you? There's a question I want to ask you, but I want people I want to let people know where to find you.
[00:33:18] Dimple Thakrar: Where is the
[00:33:18] Matt Hall: best place? Thank you, Dimple. And honestly, I feel exactly the same. I'm sure you'll agree. These are our favorite subjects that we could just talk about day and night. I completely agree with you. But thank you. And thank you for giving us the opportunity to speak and giving us the space. I really hope that the listeners have, taken even just something away that's useful.
[00:33:36] Matt Hall: But if they do want to connect with me and they do want to see more of what I'm about. The main place I hang out is Instagram, so if you go over to Instagram, my handle is Matt Hall, which is my name. Official, because it's the official version of me. Clearly I'm a big deal, so you have to put official on there.
[00:33:52] Matt Hall: That's a joke, by the way, I'm not a big deal, but yes. Just type in Matt Hall official. Listen,
[00:33:57] Dimple Thakrar: Listen. Own it, own
[00:33:58] Matt Hall: it, own it. [00:34:00] Own it. I am a big deal. There you go. You're a big deal. You're a big deal. There we go. There you go. So check me out. My baby is called Success School. That's the podcast that you've been on, Dimple, and you were amazing on.
[00:34:12] Matt Hall: And I have a membership that is free to join, and then if they want to stay after a couple of weeks, it's less than five quid a week to stay a part of that membership. So get in touch with us if you're interested in that. I've tried to make that a really Affordable, accessible way to work on personal development in a community.
[00:34:28] Matt Hall: And so on. So that's my main thing. And also I'm doing my second event in January. I don't know, obviously the time that this podcast goes out, but we're doing that in Bradford and that's a health fitness mindset, a mini retreat day as well. That's Saturday, the 6th of January, if anybody's interested just get in touch.
[00:34:45] Matt Hall: Amazing.
[00:34:46] Dimple Thakrar: Thank you. Thank you, Matt. Wow, that sounds so interesting. So many things, and I love the way that you're connecting mindset and fitness, and it's so different, right? So different. So thank you. So[00:35:00] on completion, I would love to ask you this one question, and that is, what wisdom or advice could you give to somebody listening or viewing this?
[00:35:13] Dimple Thakrar: And maybe you've been gifted this in the past that goes, beyond the words.
[00:35:20] Matt Hall: I think that's a lovely question and such an important question. I think for me something that I've learned on reflection is about enjoying the present for what it is. And about doing things well now, not just trying to do everything.
[00:35:42] Matt Hall: And what I mean by that, the quote that I always say is do less better. As I reflect on my life, I think one of the things that has actually held me back is trying to be everything to everybody and trying to be successful in everything at the highest level and actually removing that pressure [00:36:00] and allowing yourself to be more present.
[00:36:02] Matt Hall: And just do a couple of things really well. If that's working on your relationship and that's the main priority right now, then spend more time on that. And if, that means business is average or finances are average for now, that can be okay for now. I always see life as being seasonal.
[00:36:17] Matt Hall: You don't have to be absolutely winning at everything all the time. And you don't have to be everything to everybody all the time. And I think if you can take things at a slightly slower pace But actually be more present and actually enjoy the process more. What you will find is you'll end up achieving more in the long run.
[00:36:37] Matt Hall: There's two quotes that are springing to mind right now. And one is by Tony Robbins again. And he says that most people overestimate what they can achieve in one year. And. Underestimate what they can achieve in a decade. And I think that's a powerful quote is stop thinking, I've got to do everything this year, just take it a bit slower, be more present, enjoy the process in doing so you'll have one incredible [00:37:00] year of experience and progress, which.
[00:37:03] Matt Hall: duplicated over 10 years will be an incredible decade. And the other quote that springs to mind is again, referencing Stephen Bartlett again, and he says, the slow way is the fast way. And what he means by that, when you're trying to do, yeah, when you're trying to rush results, whether that be fitness, relationships, finances, whenever you try to do.
[00:37:27] Matt Hall: The get rich quick scheme, or whatever the cut the corners way is. Often what that will lead to, is, you might get a small win, or a small result, but then you're gonna be ten steps backwards, because you've not done things correctly. And in that, what that means is, you've only then put yourself further back than you would have.
[00:37:45] Matt Hall: If you'd have just been taking things at the right pace and growing and, slowly getting there. So remember that the slow way is the fastest way. There is no fast route to true, sustainable, happiness, fulfillment [00:38:00] and success. Oh,
[00:38:02] Dimple Thakrar: I love that. Yay! That's just Honestly, Matt, you're just singing to my heart right now because I always say, being rather than doing.
[00:38:15] Dimple Thakrar: It's the feminine energy rather than the masculine. Being. Like, be in this moment because this moment is the gift. is the present, right? It's the present. Thank you. Gosh! My
[00:38:31] Matt Hall: absolute
[00:38:31] Dimple Thakrar: pleasure. So many truth bombs. So many truth bombs today. Oh my God, I'm so grateful. Matt Hall, thank you so much. Please follow Matt.
[00:38:41] Dimple Thakrar: Please look at his membership. What an incredible way to build a community. And with that said, I want to thank each and every one of you today. For the privilege of your time, your energy, it is never taken for granted. Thank you so much. Take [00:39:00] care. Have the most incredible day. God bless.