Beyond The Words
Embark on a journey beyond the confines of language with Dimple Thakrar, a seasoned clinical dietitian turned intuitive healer.
In "Beyond The Words," Dimple shares captivating stories that delve into the realm of intuition and the sixth sense. Drawing from her rich experiences in the National Health Service, she uncovers the profound connections that often go unspoken.
Discover the power of touch, the magic in unexplained moments, and the wisdom that lies beyond the logical mind. Join Dimple as she guides you through stories that resonate on a deeper level, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the unspoken language of the heart.
Tune in to Beyond The Words for an exploration of love, connection, and the extraordinary experiences that shape our lives. Let's go beyond the words and into a world where intuition reigns supreme.
Beyond The Words
036 Unlocking Manifestation: Insights from Horses and Human Connection with Jin Ong
Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Beyond the Words"! I'm delighted to have you join us as we explore the depths of manifestation, human connection, and the profound teachings we can glean from our equine companions.
In this episode, we embark on a transformative journey with Dimple and Jin Ong, diving deep into the art of manifesting dreams and desires. From simplifying the process to drawing parallels with the wisdom of horses, we uncover invaluable insights into personal growth, leadership, and the power of intention.
Key Takeaways:
- Simplicity in Action: Dimple shares wisdom on simplifying manifestation and taking inspired action towards our goals, urging us to embrace simplicity.
- Investment and Leadership: We explore the importance of leading by example and investing in ourselves to pave the way for others to follow suit.
- Speed of Achievement: Analysing transportation analogies, we highlight the significance of seeking support to accelerate our journey towards success and fulfilment.
- Proximity and Power: Proximity to mentors and like-minded individuals is identified as a catalyst for growth and empowerment, fostering collaboration and shared learning.
- Lessons from Horses: Jin reflects on her experiences with horses, uncovering profound lessons on boundaries, consistency, and trust in relationships, drawing parallels between equine behaviour and human emotions.
- Reflection on Sensitivity: We delve into how horses serve as mirrors for human emotions, prompting introspection and self-awareness, and how this sensitivity extends to our interactions with others.
- Manifestation and Trust: Trusting in the unfolding of desires, setting intentions, and dreaming big are highlighted as essential elements in the manifestation process, fostering a sense of empowerment and alignment with our true purpose.
Jin Ong Resource Links:
- Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-art-of-listening-to-your-body/id1505741621
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theartoflisteningtoyourbody/
Thank you for tuning in to this enlightening conversation. Remember to stay connected with us on social media and continue your journey of self-discovery with the "Beyond the Words" podcast. Until next time, keep manifesting your dreams with intention and trust!
Dimple Thakrar Resource Links:
Website: https://dimpleglobal.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dimple.thakrar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dimplethakrar/
Beyond the Words EP36
[00:00:00] Dimple Thakrar: Hello and welcome back to me Dimple Thakrar at Beyond the Words I am here today with the most incredible guest I met this beautiful woman in a mastermind as I have with many of my guests on Melanie Ann Layers channel and I tell you there's something magical about this woman she Has this air of calmness, this air of knowing that she's placed on this planet for a reason and we're all figuring it out together and just being so completely content in that, knowing that the journey is the lesson, is the purpose, right?
[00:00:44] Dimple Thakrar: So without further ado, I want to introduce you to Jin. Jin, how are you today?
[00:00:51] Jin Ong: Oh, I'm amazing. I've just woken up quarter to six to come on here, and it's a beautiful warm day, and the first thing I get to walk out and see is my horses. It was just so good. I'm feeling great.
[00:01:04] Dimple Thakrar: It's about the journey because you're based in Australia, and you're sat in your yurt right now.
[00:01:10] Dimple Thakrar: That was It was a dream for you, all the horses, and tell us, how did you get to
[00:01:16] Jin Ong: this dream? I am Australian, but I live in New Zealand, but a lot of people are confused and think they're the same. Totally understandable. Yeah. Oh my gosh. The journey, it's it's a big one, and I feel like it's over a decade in the making.
[00:01:33] Jin Ong: And I started my career as an osteopath. I've been listening to your podcast recently and of course, we've been in the same space and we've both been in registered professions. You were dietitian, me an osteopath, and I've just totally transitioned out of that into something new. And along with that journey of evolving into myself, the most amazing things have landed in my life that I never once thought was possible.
[00:01:59] Jin Ong: Oh my gosh, where do I start? I was an osteopath for 15 years and I was just contracting locuming around Australia and New Zealand, a little bit of settled work as well. And then About 10 years in I decided I was ready to own my own practice and I had this big vision and this was my first memory of big manifestation and I remember it was a self development course that I did and I was sitting there wondering, why don't I ever get pitched?
[00:02:28] Jin Ong: Because we had to go to a series of them. It was a huge investment, paid on three credit cards. We paid it off. I was sitting there going, why does everyone else get picked? And, Then I realized I have to show up. And so I got to go off on the stage at one point and share my vision about having two clinics in New Zealand.
[00:02:47] Jin Ong: I wasn't actually living in New Zealand at that stage. We'd gone back to Australia to have our daughter. We were there for almost two years. And. I even shared the figures and the income and the amount of staff that I wanted, and that was a five year vision, and it all landed almost exactly to the T within two years.
[00:03:06] Jin Ong: Wow. All this stuff that I thought was impossible. We even bought a commercial building to put the clinic into. Oh, it wasn't even a year later. And then. Through my work with osteoclients, I realised issues were more than physical, and that people had issues going on with their relationships, with their past life, where they had experienced emotion, emotional trauma, and that was actually impacting their recovery.
[00:03:36] Jin Ong: And so I was starting to get quite disheartened with my work because the things that should work didn't work. And I realised there was more. And so I started tapping into Emotional anatomy, metaphysical anatomy, but going beyond just creating awareness of how emotions manifest in our physical body. It was, what do we now do with those emotions when we're aware that they're causing such an impact on our health, on our physical health, but also on our mental state, our behavior and our life, our relationships, the jobs that we land, the life that we manifest.
[00:04:12] Jin Ong: And so it was during COVID that, or the pandemic, that just seems like such a distant memory and something we don't even talk about anymore, but 2020, 2020, everything closed down. My business had a lot of expenses going out and this was a time I was faced with fear, but thankfully I had a desire. But I just hadn't acted out on it because I was busy with the clinic and building that.
[00:04:37] Jin Ong: And all of a sudden, I was like, what am I going to do? And I jumped into the online space in 2020 and things just boomed. It grew like the most amazing and beautiful beast over the last three years. And in 2021, I went on to sell my clinic business. The energy was going from it. It was an amazing part of my journey, but I said, I have to.
[00:04:59] Jin Ong: Sell this before it dies in the arse, and I have nothing to sell. And I close a lot of things down, and I put all eggs in one basket, and here I am, and That manifestation back in, I believe it was 2014, 2015 of growing this business. I've just continued to reset my desires. Every time I achieve them, I have to make sure that I reset what my vision is because all of a sudden I realized what's possible and.
[00:05:29] Jin Ong: On the channel Melanie coached me and I was blabbering on about my business, hoping that I was going to get some sort of business coaching. And she asked me what I desire. And I said, I've got everything I need. At the time we were renting and we really weren't fussed about that. And she said no, but what do you desire?
[00:05:47] Jin Ong: It's not about what you need. She just really pushed me with that. And I just sheepishly said I'd love a horse. What else? I'd love a house as well. The horse landed three weeks later and then I was sharing lots of pictures of my beautiful horse that's taught me the most incredible things. She has taken my emotional work to the next level because I had no issue with human emotions.
[00:06:10] Jin Ong: But being around horses that shook my nervous system. So she's stretched it even more. And getting that horse then led to a year later. So just a few months ago, we moved to 14 and a half acres of the most horsey land. It's set up better for horses than it is humans. We've got 11 paddocks, we've got stables.
[00:06:32] Jin Ong: And there was a little one bedroom, there was an arena and a pool. And I now have four horses and we've moved here. We're renovating a hay barn, so we've called it the Shome. And that's where we're going to be living. But yeah, my office, my yurt, which has had some challenges, it's our bedroom at the moment.
[00:06:50] Jin Ong: The beds are over there. But as soon as the shed hay barn is renovated, this will be my office and it looks out to the paddocks with my horses. That's the story of how I got here in short.
[00:07:02] Dimple Thakrar: Wow, there's so many things that come through for me and that is, one of the questions I know that the audience will be saying is, how on earth did you manifest so quickly?
[00:07:13] Dimple Thakrar: What is the, and I want people to obviously take heed of your strategies, but also to understand that you developed your own way of manifesting. That you know works for you. Not everybody, not your way fits everybody. So please take what Jin says with, this is her unique way of doing it and it may work for you.
[00:07:34] Dimple Thakrar: And so what I love is the thing she said on desire, like you had to keep calling, actually speaking out your desire, right? So tell us a little bit about that. How did that work for you? Because you manifested
[00:07:48] Jin Ong: so quickly in class time. Yeah, I used to hear about people collapsing time and talking about the energetics and I was like, how?
[00:07:56] Jin Ong: The question that you said that a lot of people will be asking and I was the one that was saying how, but instead of asking the how, I would spend spaces, I would spend time in spaces with these people. Because it really is a journey and as much as I'll share, as much as I can, because I want everybody to manifest the life that they desire, I would really recommend you spend time in spaces with people that inspire you.
[00:08:23] Jin Ong: Something that I practice and therefore I preach and I teach is working with your emotions. Empty out your emotional cup, create space for more and something that I've been noticing is. For me, I've recognized three sort of phases of coaching and there's probably more beyond what I recognize, but there's the coaching or mentoring or stages of learning where you're in your pain.
[00:08:48] Jin Ong: And for me, when I'm working with people, that's about clearing up their emotions, helping them process, empty out their emotional cup to create the space. Then I feel like it's you tap into your soul desire, which is ultimately. What I want people to recognize is what is their sole purpose on this earth.
[00:09:05] Jin Ong: I feel like I'm living out mine and it make, it's probably going to continue to evolve, but I just feel like I'm on purpose and I just have so much energy. My health is amazing. Alongside recognizing your sole purpose and wanting to express that is you get to manifest stuff. So whatever you desire, you are worthy of it.
[00:09:24] Jin Ong: You just have to value yourself. And there's so much behind that, right? And then I feel like what I recognize with this manifestation and with this moving, I say that. It's been a pivot point in manifestation for me where I now manifest from a place of knowing, letting go of the how, and holy shit, I realize I've manifested over these last decades and probably more.
[00:09:48] Jin Ong: I've manifested from a place of questioning. So it's really cool to now feel this knowing and really trusting my intuition. And then I feel like I'm in that next stage or where I'm now able to take people is. Take you into the unknowing, but you make decisions in place of knowing and intuition. Then you've got to trust it because it often doesn't make sense.
[00:10:10] Jin Ong: So good. It's so good. And I will mention Dimple, that we've had an amazing conversation. I reached out to the channel sisters saying, I've been brewing on this idea for over a year and now I feel ready. Who can support me? I was worried about the way my question was going to be interpreted and I'm just so grateful that you reached out to me and I forgot that we had this podcast interview that I scheduled months ago.
[00:10:34] Jin Ong: So we've actually connected and you supported me so amazingly because you're someone that I look up to. As I said, you're someone that inspires me, so let's spend some time together and you have shared so much wisdom with me. And in this last week, so much has landed, so much has shifted. I have taken on board everything that you've said and Yeah, it's because I have just manifested everything I desire and I hadn't reset what my next vision was.
[00:11:01] Jin Ong: And you just shared with me to go big, sorry, things are in action,
[00:11:05] Dimple Thakrar: so happy. I'm so grateful for that. I'm so grateful to hear that, right? Because all you know, and I receive it all my desires are is for everybody to really live their life on purpose with their full hearts, desires. And to know that it's possible to know that it comes from a place where you create, and sometimes we forget that we're the creators and we get bogged down in the how, and actually what you shared was so beautiful about, focusing on the purpose, focusing on the bigger vision, focusing on. And I love the stages that you mentioned. I use them a lot in the first piece is very much all it cleaning out the energetic. constipation that sits in our bodies, right?
[00:11:53] Dimple Thakrar: Because you can't manifest or grow from that place. You have to clean up, right? And then working on your desires is a beautiful way of doing that because you then have space to work on your desires, right? And actually dream. It doesn't have to be work, it can be fun. Just dream, right?
[00:12:12] Dimple Thakrar: So I love that your frequency is that of Let's go for it. Let's do it. Let's just, and you take action really quickly, which I love, right? You're like, okay. And the other key thing I found so beautiful about you is the questions. You ask really great questions that nobody else, dare I say, dare to ask.
[00:12:35] Dimple Thakrar: Because they're scared what other people might think of them in asking those questions. I love the way that you're brave enough to ask those questions, because I admire that, because I'm often, Can I really ask this question, this person? And actually the truth is, Go ahead.
[00:12:53] Jin Ong: Oh yes. Sorry to interrupt, but yeah, I find it really interesting because recently I had a conversation with a client where she sent me an email and I was I was in such gratitude to receive that email and I really acknowledged it with her because I said, I know that most people wouldn't even send me this email and just say no, but she said, I got the feeling that you can hold this level of conversation and I was like, yeah, I'm here for it all and I know the good questions.
[00:13:19] Jin Ong: For you to ask when you ask them, but I can't tell you to ask them, you've got to lead yourself. And we've heard that phrase a lot, just leading yourself. And, I used to say that it was for different levels of my offers, but I'm like, it doesn't matter if it's free or if it's high level mentorship work, you've got to lead yourself there because you've got to take responsibility for it.
[00:13:40] Jin Ong: And. Even though I asked that question, I still feel a little bit scared. Is this going to be misinterpreted? Are people going to think that this is about the money? But then I realized I'm always waiting for my clients to ask better questions. And actually the first mentor where I did that personal development in 2014 and 15 when we had a six week old baby.
[00:14:02] Jin Ong: He really triggered me because he I felt like he was telling me off. I took it personally. He said, ask better questions. But instead of stepping back, I was like I've got to keep on asking questions until I got to ask better questions.
[00:14:14] Dimple Thakrar: It's so cool. You're so confident with asking those questions, right?
[00:14:19] Dimple Thakrar: I want to come to the horses. My mind's going to two places. One is ask her what the question was that she asked, because I'm like, I'm sure the audience is curious about that. Or the other one is talking about, let's do both. Let's first start with that. What was the question you asked and how did it help you getting those answers?
[00:14:40] Dimple Thakrar: Because it will help people to understand the results of asking great questions.
[00:14:45] Jin Ong: Yeah. So I jumped into our channel chat and I just said something along the lines of, ladies, I've been sitting on something for well over a year and I don't know how to put it, but I'm ready to work on embodying a six figure offer.
[00:15:06] Jin Ong: And I joined a mastermind a year and a bit ago that was all about your six figure plus offer. And I spent about three months in that and I got a lot out of it, but I didn't complete the 12 months and I came up with all the excuses anyway. So it's just been sitting on the back of my mind knowing that I can offer more.
[00:15:25] Jin Ong: And my fear was that people are going to think that this is about the money. But my gosh, the results that I get, when we were having this discussion, people being able to have babies that have been told they need IVF or that they're too old or that it's not possible, people healing from cancer, people healing from autoimmune conditions, but on the journey of that being their desire, they have got more connected relationships.
[00:15:47] Jin Ong: They're living in amazing places, they're absolutely loving life, and they're starting to manifest. I'm like, this is priceless. Even six figures is beyond that, people only realize that after the fact. So it was that recognition after all these years of doing this work, there is something more.
[00:16:03] Jin Ong: And I also know that when I have invested in things that I know and trust in at a higher level, the journey has been incredible. And the channel has been the best example because we had no idea what it was a significant investment for a lot of people. The question was. It was very brief, but it was like, what do you see that I can't see?
[00:16:24] Jin Ong: Because I would love someone to share with me, what am I missing here? Because I do want to ask how, and more so I'm better in conversation. So I wanted to hear someone's story. What are they willing to share? Because we hear a lot about embodying that next frequency of wealth is very much about the energetics and not so much about the strategy.
[00:16:45] Jin Ong: You felt called to respond and I was like, I'm going to jump on this because I've seen Dimple grow. And then Beautiful and Espartie as well sent me some messages and I was actually quite activated by her call, her sharing the channel. So I wanted to hear from people who had gone before me. It's tell me.
[00:17:05] Jin Ong: And so I received amazing responses for me and I was like, Dimple, is it really that simple? If it is okay, because I'm telling my clients it really is this simple and you keep on complicating it with your human brain, getting too masculine about it. And so you shared some incredible wisdom with me.
[00:17:23] Jin Ong: I and I'll let you share that if you want to. And I've gone and I've done my homework. I know that it's not all about the doing, but I know that we need masculine structure for feminine flow and yeah, I, and then I've just started to come across things and listening to them. I've been listening to your podcast and it's just infusing me with something.
[00:17:43] Jin Ong: And I made the decision on the 11th my Saturday that I'm doing this and let's go for the ride and then I've got this tickle in my throat. I haven't coughed yet, which is good, but the tickle in my throat is the thing that I used to get every couple of weeks, every couple of months. And then in the last three years I've only had it twice and it's been when I've stretched myself to hold more energetically, be it peep or money or whatever.
[00:18:11] Jin Ong: So this is good. It's so
[00:18:14] Dimple Thakrar: good, it's so good when we allow, right? And you are so good to respond and take action, and that's one of the keys, right? You can ask questions all day long, but if you're not ready to hear the answer and to hear the response and to act on it, then you're wasting everybody's time, including yourself.
[00:18:38] Jin Ong: Absolutely. Yeah. And if I'm going to reach out to someone and they're going to offer me their time, be it paid or free, I'm like, I'm going to fricking make the most of this. So I value everything that I receive for free and everything that I pay for and invest in as well.
[00:18:55] Dimple Thakrar: And you touched on investment and what I believe in and live by is that, I can only expect my clients to invest if I'm investing, like I have to lead.
[00:19:06] Dimple Thakrar: I have to invest first. So you and I both invested masterminds in, mentors in, and it, cause we know that's the fast pass to success. Like you said, go ask somebody who knows how Oh, who's done it before, right? It's so powerful, but it's such a simple thing that so few people do it because they think they can get there quicker themselves.
[00:19:29] Jin Ong: Yep, yep. A friend of mine used that analogy of you can walk from A to B, you can catch an Uber, a taxi, or you can drive your car from A to B, you can catch a train, a bus, or you can catch an airplane or a private jet. So it's like, how quick do you want to get there? And I know that I could do it on my own.
[00:19:47] Jin Ong: However yeah, I'm looking at what are my options for support. To go on this journey with someone. And it's not because, again, I want the strategy, but I just know how much more fun it is to do it with someone. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:20:00] Dimple Thakrar: And I love that. And I love that you reach a certain point in your development where you realize that it's not about going to somebody who's a teacher per se, but it's more about a mutual connection.
[00:20:12] Dimple Thakrar: It's more about being in the frequency and. The value on that, Tony Robbins talks about proximity is power, right? It's actually being in proximity with the people. This is why the channel was so powerful, right? Because it was being in proximity with women that wanted to grow. And it doesn't, in the, and there were so many different income brackets in that channel.
[00:20:37] Dimple Thakrar: It wasn't about how much money you earn at all. It was about how can we support each other, right? Equal power but different, as Melanie says, right? Equal power but different. We all have different blends. Gin, I want to talk to you a little bit before we complete, about the horses,
[00:20:55] Jin Ong: right?
[00:20:56] Dimple Thakrar: I shared with you when we were having our conversation about how you asked me a question, do I like horses, I think was the question, or something like that, and I was like I went on a retreat and I didn't know it was a horse
[00:21:09] Jin Ong: retreat
[00:21:10] Dimple Thakrar: and we were supposed to do this horse meditation and the horse wouldn't lie down for me and it kept trying to step on my toe and I was a bit scared of this big horse.
[00:21:22] Dimple Thakrar: It was so funny because then you shared with me about how you were scared of horses as well, right? Because they're big. big beasts and tell us what is it that you've learned about animals and horses and why It's so important
[00:21:38] Jin Ong: to work with them. Oh, it's incredible. So we have this cute little sausage dog.
[00:21:43] Jin Ong: She was our first pet. We have a couple of fish. They don't get a lot of time on my social media or much credit, but I'm sure they're here to teach me something. They're my feng shui fish. And then I started with one horse where I was learning to ride on trekking horses, and they were so safe and so sound, but I didn't trust them.
[00:22:01] Jin Ong: And I wanted to build a relationship with my own horse. And so it felt crazy to say, I want a horse. And then I went and asked people who owned horses, helped people with their horses staying on their land what do I need to know? What do I need to do? It's the same thing like me asking you. About embodying the six figure offer.
[00:22:19] Jin Ong: What do I need to do? What do I need to know? What can you see? Am I fit for this? Give me the pros and cons and when I sold my business, I went to a retreat and I said that I wanted to get into horse riding and people asked me, why did I get into it? And I said that I had a friend who passed away a few years ago.
[00:22:37] Jin Ong: And for two years, we said that we would always go horse riding and we didn't. And then when she got unwell, she never felt well enough to go and we never went horse riding. And I know that she would have loved to own her own horse as well. So I still connect with her very much. And then getting this horse, I was told it'll be maybe a year to 18 months to find the right one.
[00:22:55] Jin Ong: And 10 days later, no, a week later, I found one and I bought one and I became best friends with a girl that sold my horse to me. So just that was a lesson in. When you jump into these new spaces that you desire, you're going to attract the most amazing people. She's my horsey bestie. We just hang out about everything and anything.
[00:23:14] Jin Ong: And then this horse was one that people said, you've got the wrong horse. That was not worth as much money as. that you paid for it. This horse is green. I don't know if it's been broken in properly. And it was, she's chilly. She's such an anxious horse. And I realized I've got the picture in the bottom of this drawer that my laptop sitting on is that I did a vision board out of FOMO, like I better do a vision board just in case it actually works.
[00:23:38] Jin Ong: After I bought her, I realized there was the same colored horse on my vision board, a buckskin. So like a beige color horse with a dark mane. I was like, Oh, I'm totally into vision boarding now, but I forgot that it was,
[00:23:50] Jin Ong: You said set the desire and then let it go. I'm like I did that with my vision board.
[00:23:53] Jin Ong: I'm like, Oh my God, I've got this horse. I just knew I had to have it, even though I was really nervous around her. My friend said, do you want to go catch the horse? I'm like, I don't even know how to catch a horse, like stick that's hold her on and lead it away. And she ran away from me. She'd kick out, she'd stick her bum at me, which is really rude and really disrespectful for a horse to do anyway.
[00:24:14] Jin Ong: And I was that newbie and I didn't want to be the newbie in clinics, but anyway, this friend supported me and I listened to her and. Yeah, working with Tilly, I had this goal. It's man, I've invested in this horse now and I want to do the work. I had no idea that there was just. This world of horses.
[00:24:33] Jin Ong: It was much like when I went into, I'm just drawing on this metaphor now, like jumping into the online space. I had no idea this world existed of all these incredible online coaches and energetics and that people were just doing big things. And so this world of horses, I'm like, why don't you people talk about this more?
[00:24:49] Jin Ong: Like it just can teach you so much. So anyway, I've worked with. Tilly, for a year and, or 18 months now, and we've got an amazing relationship. She's calmed down so much. She used to have ulcers. She was passed around so many owners and yeah, she was a little bit scary. She would rear up, she would strike out.
[00:25:08] Jin Ong: And when I went to this clinic, the horseman questioned whether or not we would last. And a year later I went back and he said, this is amazing, like you've done the work. And it's four simple things, four simple things that he teaches you. With a structure and I put them into practice and now I feel a little bit more and I know there's so much more to me for me to learn and then that led me down the pathway of sorry, so you asked me what is it that I was sharing with you is that.
[00:25:37] Jin Ong: Horses and animals have taught me so much about how we've got to honour our own boundaries and how much we have to reinforce and emphasise our own boundaries, that they will keep assisting them to walk all over you or come into your bubble or come into your space. That if you have this goal, you've got to be consistent, insistent and persistent.
[00:25:57] Jin Ong: And sometimes you've got to repeat yourself. And sometimes you think they've got it, and then they regress. And then you've got to reinforce the same basic lessons, not complicate it more. And so horses are looking for leadership as well. If they are anxious, if they are naughty, sometimes it teaches us that we've got to take responsibility.
[00:26:17] Jin Ong: It's never the horse's fault. If something's going on with your horse, If you're making excuses, actually you've got to look back to yourself. She has stretched my nervous system because my heart used to race and it's are we actually going to work out? Is this going to be a failure? Am I going to move her on just like the other people who've moved her on?
[00:26:33] Jin Ong: She's my forever horse. I did a past life regression session and she was my camel in a past life. And actually after that session, We really bonded and probably because I was like, all right, we've been here before and we're meant to be here in this lifetime. She just totally relaxed. So she really tests me and she's taught me a lot.
[00:26:55] Jin Ong: And just this conversation about horses and leadership and how they're looking for a leader. That's been incredible for my work. And then that led me to. I love colored horses and like with houseplants, I have to go for rare and unique, otherwise I have too many. So I then wanted a silver dackle horse and I felt silly, not even a year into owning a horse, asking for a second one.
[00:27:20] Jin Ong: And. Then I shared with my friend who then put me in touch with someone, who then put me in touch with someone, and on my birthday at the end of 2022 I got a call saying this horse is for sale, but good luck. It might be a bit of a challenge to buy it. I'm always up for a challenge. I knew this horse was meant to be mine because I had set the desire and I bought the horse end of last year and He's a colt or he's a stallion.
[00:27:43] Jin Ong: And he's probably one of the only entire stallions of his color. So he's got this beautiful chocolate coat and this blonde mane. Sorry, in New Zealand, did I say Australia? I'm getting confused as well. Anyway, so now I've decided to go into breeding. So then I needed a black horse to breed with and then she came into the mix and then I wanted a blue roan and she came to the mix.
[00:28:05] Jin Ong: So now I have four horses. They're very different personalities and it's amazing then to stretch myself even more to learn to adapt to these different personalities. So one horse, it was a bit scary and then when I learned to trust her, I still don't trust other people's horses unless I spend a bit of time with them.
[00:28:21] Jin Ong: And then My second horse is actually a stallion, but I didn't meet him until just a month ago. He's now on my property. But then being around many horses in a paddock is even scarier. So then I'm going to learn to regulate there because they respond to me and my energy and my frequency. And then the next step, 18 months later, having four horses, I have this stallion and.
[00:28:45] Jin Ong: I've been told by channels that he is going to teach me so much. And one thing that really resonated with me when I was Googling about being a stallion owner and I reached out to stallion owners and I was like, Oh my gosh, you guys are amazing. Owning a stallion and just how you carry yourselves like it's a non thing.
[00:29:01] Jin Ong: Like I want to learn from you. And actually I couldn't keep a stallion at the equestrian center where I had my horse. So I needed a property to put him on. So as soon as this property came to fruition, I was like, don't chop his nuts off. He's coming down here and I'm getting two more horses and he's going to break with them.
[00:29:21] Jin Ong: But something that I Googled about, what do you need to know about owning a stallion is you've got to work on your own relationships. And I was like, oh, okay. It's
[00:29:34] Dimple Thakrar: fascinating, yeah, the, what I'm hearing from you is that horses are a mirror, a really a mirror for how you're showing up, right?
[00:29:44] Dimple Thakrar: So if you're showing up timid and without the strength of a leader, they are going to push you to lead. Yeah. They're going to walk all over you until you say you decide that you're going to lead or not. And it was when I worked and I only had this hour or two hours in this horse meditation and I got frustrated with why isn't this horse lying down when I want it to lie down and all of this, right?
[00:30:12] Dimple Thakrar: No idea about horses and the lady said to me, she said, she's picking up on you. She's picking up on the fact that you're not showing her boundaries right now. So she's pushing you for boundaries, she's picking up on the fact that you're restless and your heart is racing, so it's making her anxious and restless.
[00:30:34] Dimple Thakrar: She's picking up on the fact that you don't really like horses and you don't really want to be here, so she's moving away from you, right? Yes. All those things, and the reason I found it so profound is that if a horse can pick up on that, what can humans pick up on that they don't realise? The sixth sense.
[00:30:56] Jin Ong: Absolutely. Absolutely. I thought that over and over again and my first horse Tilly is just so bloody sensitive but it's amazing because she learns so quickly and I just think that the animal world is very similar to the human world but we're taking the animal world out of ourselves. Is that, yeah, exactly as you say, if a horse can be this sensitive then why can a human not be?
[00:31:22] Jin Ong: And it's really that we've numbed things out. In my belief. Yes. 100%. And it washes your numbers out. They can just block you. Yes.
[00:31:31] Dimple Thakrar: Yeah. Yeah. But it was so profound. It was so profound. And then when you started to speak about it and then you spoke about the boundaries, it was like, Oh yeah, it's exactly that.
[00:31:42] Dimple Thakrar: Exactly that. It can teach us so much. So with that said, as we come to an end, I would love for you to let us know where can the audience. get a hold of you, where can they find you if they want to continue this journey
[00:31:57] Jin Ong: with you. I have a podcast called The Art of Listening to Your Body, and the place that I'm probably most active is Instagram, also The Art of Listening to Your Body and then from there you'll be able to find all the links that you need to explore and definitely more than happy to receive messages from people.
[00:32:17] Jin Ong: From whatever you might learn from this share with me and Dimple or anything else that I share with the world. Thank you. I really appreciate this opportunity and to share the space, the frequency, the energy with you, Dimple.
[00:32:30] Dimple Thakrar: Oh, thank you. I feel the same as well, Jin. Those are all the wonderful places you can find, Jin, if you want to connect.
[00:32:37] Dimple Thakrar: And please do, please reach out if there's anything that in this conversation that you felt wanting to expand. Please reach out. So without further ado, I would like to ask you the one final question, which is what wisdom or advice would you give somebody that goes beyond the words?
[00:32:59] Jin Ong: I feel like we all have to start with emptying out our emotional cup, if that resonates with you, to empty out your emotional cup and honestly just Dream big, set your desire, set your intention and trust that it will unfold. Trust, trust, trust over again. So beautiful.
[00:33:20] Dimple Thakrar: Thank you. I love that. NTO, set your desire and trust.
[00:33:25] Dimple Thakrar: Dream big. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. So to all of the audience, the viewers, the listeners, what a beautiful conversation today where we went deep into manifesting dreams, desires, horses, all the things. So I'm very grateful for your time. It's a privilege for you to share your energy with us today.
[00:33:52] Dimple Thakrar: Have the most blessed day. God bless.