Beyond The Words
Embark on a journey beyond the confines of language with Dimple Thakrar, a seasoned clinical dietitian turned intuitive healer.
In "Beyond The Words," Dimple shares captivating stories that delve into the realm of intuition and the sixth sense. Drawing from her rich experiences in the National Health Service, she uncovers the profound connections that often go unspoken.
Discover the power of touch, the magic in unexplained moments, and the wisdom that lies beyond the logical mind. Join Dimple as she guides you through stories that resonate on a deeper level, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the unspoken language of the heart.
Tune in to Beyond The Words for an exploration of love, connection, and the extraordinary experiences that shape our lives. Let's go beyond the words and into a world where intuition reigns supreme.
Beyond The Words
058 Living Fully: A Tribute to Resilience and Joy with Dimple Thakrar
Hello and welcome back to Beyond the Words with me, Dimple Thakrar, your host. Today’s episode is inspired by a remarkable person—my dad. I want to share his incredible journey and the lessons he taught me about living life fully.
Episode Summary
This episode is a heartfelt tribute to my father, who has shown me the true meaning of resilience and joy. Despite facing significant challenges, including being diagnosed with stage four cancer, my dad chose to live fully and joyfully. His story is a testament to the power of a positive mindset, energy healing, and the will to embrace life. We explore how his determination transformed his health and led him to live a vibrant, fulfilling life.
Key Takeaways
- Choose to Live Fully: Even in the face of adversity, make a conscious decision to live life to its fullest.
- Power of Mindset: A positive attitude and determination can transform your reality.
- Importance of Resilience: Overcoming challenges with grace and strength leads to growth and joy.
- Energy Healing: Clearing emotional blocks can have profound impacts on physical health.
- Living with Joy: Focus on activities that bring joy and fulfilment, such as hobbies, family, and social connections.
- Embrace Every Moment: Treat each day as a precious gift and live with gratitude and love.
Personal Reflections
My dad's journey from a challenging childhood in India, through moving to England and raising a family, to his recent health battles and triumphs, is nothing short of inspirational. His decision to embrace life fully despite a terminal diagnosis changed not only his health but also his entire approach to living. This episode is a celebration of his spirit and a reminder to all of us to live boldly and joyfully.
Upcoming Events
I'm thrilled to announce my upcoming event, Abundant You, in September in London. This event is designed to help you align with your true self, understand the quantum universe, and harness your divine 'yes' and 'no'. It includes deep teachings and powerful energy healing sessions that have led to transformative experiences for many attendees.
If you feel called to this event, trust that instinct. Reach out to me on Instagram or Facebook, or email my team at for more information.
Final Thoughts
Thank you for joining me today. Remember, embracing your true self and making aligned decisions opens doors to abundance and joy. Trust your intuition, make bold moves, and watch as your life transforms. Have a blessed day, and stay abundant!
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Beyond the Words EP58
[00:00:00] Dimple Thakrar: Hello and welcome back to Beyond the Words with me Dimple Thakrar. So this episode is inspired by, and so the word, yeah, inspired Joe, the producer was like, you need to speak about this. And I was like, that's a great idea. Have I not spoke about this? And so this episode is dedicated to an incredible human being.
[00:00:30] Dimple Thakrar: And I want to say thank you to Joe for. bringing it to my attention and to this incredible human being that is my dad. So for those of you who follow me on social media you will have seen how crazy my dad is. And for those of you who don't, go follow me on social media and subscribe to this podcast, right?
[00:00:54] Dimple Thakrar: So, I'm everywhere. TikTok, Facebook, Instagram. You just need to put my name in. Dimple Thakrar, right? I'm everywhere. And God, where to start with my dad? So my dad was raised, he was born in India, went to boarding school. It was a really tough time. And then they had to sleep on the floor, and just it was tough.
[00:01:20] Dimple Thakrar: And then he was raised, then he went to Africa, Uganda, and set up an accountancy firm with his father, because they're all accountants. My uncle's an accountant, my dad, my granddad, all of them. And then evicted from Africa in 73, he sent all the family over first. It was so dangerous for them to stay there, but he sent his daughter.
[00:01:42] Dimple Thakrar: Dad, his uncle, his brothers, his sisters, to safety first and then he tried to tie up all the, as much as they could and came across. And it was a really dangerous time. And so he came to England and had to set up again and he did I'm taking out a lot of detail here because I want to get to the.
[00:02:04] Dimple Thakrar: The latter three years, but I just want to give you some context as to what happened. And so he raised three independent girls. We did lose a girl in between me and my older sister, and it came to a country where his wife didn't speak a word of English, where she was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, where it was an interesting time living with mum growing up.
[00:02:30] Dimple Thakrar: It was neurotic and chaotic. And yeah, even this weekend I was talking to my sister and I was like, we still always felt love from mum. Always. There was never a lack of love. She was crazy and did crazy shit a lot of the time, but there was never a lack of love. Thinking about it from dad's perspective, it must have been pretty tricky for him to navigate this crazy, beautiful, oh my god, beautiful woman.
[00:02:56] Dimple Thakrar: Who we loved deeply there was no doubt in our minds, no matter, whatever we went through as children, we still felt this deep love, wow, deep love. And coming back now, probably just before COVID so, I'll paint a picture. My mum passed at I was 47. No, she was 47, I was 22. And so we're talking, I'm 51 now, we're talking, gosh, just short of 30 years, right?
[00:03:32] Dimple Thakrar: So my dad has been widowed for that long, so he's lived by himself. He sold the family home which is in the north of England. That, that was actually a gift to mum for her 25th wedding anniversary, right? And he sold that. So it was a really big step for him to sell this house, right?
[00:03:51] Dimple Thakrar: It was a really big deal. And so he sold the house. He moved to Leicester where his family, his brother and their family and his dad were. And he looked after his dad until he died. Walter House there did all the things. And then the first week of COVID hit and my dad is super active.
[00:04:16] Dimple Thakrar: So even though he's 82 now, he still works full time in his accountancy firm. He has an office. He's converted his garage to an office. He. still volunteers for the hospice as a befriender. His best friend at the time, like I'm talking when he was in his 70s when he moved to Leicester, was a travel agent.
[00:04:39] Dimple Thakrar: He would take people, groups of people, on treks around the Himalayas in his 70s because he spoke, still speaks, six or seven different Indian languages. He would literally take groups of people. They don't allow you to trek in Nepal at that age, and he was the group leader, right? He loved it. He's an accountant.
[00:05:03] Dimple Thakrar: He gets paid to go on holiday with people. He loves to organize people. It's perfect, right? So he did that for a bit, and then his friend passed. And then come COVID, he's got this lovely life. He goes to the luncheon club. He does all the things at the weekend. He volunteers in the temple. He's got six beautiful grandchildren, three of each.
[00:05:25] Dimple Thakrar: Three beautiful girls, we're all happy, kinda, in our own way, we have great husbands, and he goes, and he suddenly gets these symptoms of needing to pee a lot, so he goes to the doctors, they test his PSA level, it's 129, so for those of you who don't know, it should be below, it should be zero, actually, and it's a marker for an enlarged prostate.
[00:05:53] Dimple Thakrar: And usually at that level it's cancer. Me being the only medically minded person out of the three of us, I was always the one that, and I wanted to be, the one that went to all the hospital appointments because I knew what to ask and how to ask and all the rest. So I went along, and sure enough, it was a diagnosis.
[00:06:12] Dimple Thakrar: He'd had a biopsy and all that. It was a diagnosis of cancer. And it was stage four cancer, and it was in his lymph nodes and his bones. And they basically said, for palliative care, we'll give you some hormones for you. We can't give you chemo because it's COVID and you couldn't even go to the hospital.
[00:06:31] Dimple Thakrar: It was like a ghost town, the chairs marked everywhere. Everybody was in a mask. It was, the only reason he went to the hospital was to get the tests done and the blood tests, otherwise it was all done over the phone. And I remember the conversation, he says, Beta is Gujarati for daughter. What do I do?
[00:06:52] Dimple Thakrar: The doctors have said six months. And I know in one of my other podcasts I've talked about this deeply. I just thought go to that, there's one on cancer. But in this moment, he chose to live. Because when I asked him the question, are you ready to go and see mum? And he said, no, but I'm ready to live even more.
[00:07:15] Dimple Thakrar: Holy shit. In that lesson. Even. more. I'm ready to live even more.
[00:07:26] Dimple Thakrar: How many of us could honestly hand on our hearts go, just being diagnosed with stage four cancer, it's all over my body and I'm choosing to live. In that moment, he changed the paradigm for him. He took control. He decided, he made a decision on what his life was going to be. He created that. He wasn't a victim to cancer, he was a victor to life.
[00:07:56] Dimple Thakrar: So that's the first piece. So then, we did some energy healing, we cleared up unconscious energy blocks that were no longer serving him, that he wasn't even aware of. We cleared up the guilt, the resentment, the shame, the blame of decades and lifetimes. He changed his life. He walked daily. He ate healthily.
[00:08:19] Dimple Thakrar: He believed he was living. He laughed every day with TikTok. And he avoided the news like the plague.
[00:08:27] Dimple Thakrar: He chose to live. Six weeks later, the doctor rang and said, What the hell is your dad taking? His PSA is 03. There is no cancer in his body. He's a walking miracle. That was three years ago.
[00:08:43] Dimple Thakrar: My dad, in his craze, decided what actually happened was the week of COVID, he's one of six siblings and he travels all over the world and all over the country, still drives himself everywhere. So he's in the Midlands and his family are mainly in Leicester and London and I'm in the Northwest. So he's all over, right?
[00:09:05] Dimple Thakrar: He'll, he's no problem with driving two, three hours, more than that, right? And he's traveling everywhere and then COVID hits and he can't get to his brothers and sisters. And he's the eldest of six. But he's the most mobile. And so I do this Zoom thing for the whole family. I teach them all. I get on a Zoom family group, right?
[00:09:29] Dimple Thakrar: So I create this Zoom party, if you like. And there's 40 of us on, because we're a crazy family and we do crazy weekends every year where we all just hang out, right? So there's 40 of us on this Zoom, and we're all having a great time, and quite a few of my uncles and aunties like to sing, so we're singing, and I get them doing laughing yoga, and my dad's this is great, why didn't you show me before?
[00:09:55] Dimple Thakrar: I didn't have to travel everywhere, I can just connect. And I said, Dad I'll hook you up, I'll teach you how to do Zoom so you can connect with your siblings, right? Next thing I know, two weeks into his diagnosis. Mondays and Thursdays, him and his siblings and their partners. So it's like anywhere between 8 and 12 of them.
[00:10:15] Dimple Thakrar: Connect. Right? 8 and 11. Connect. And they start doing Zoom karaoke. Bollywood Zoom karaoke. Next thing I know, Tuesdays and Thursdays, they're coaching each other. Everybody's coaching dad. He's got this mic. They've all got the same mics with flashing lights and they've got the, all the backdrop and oh my god, it's a whole thing.
[00:10:40] Dimple Thakrar: I kid you not, six months into COVID, my dad is doing concerts. He has a singing coach. He's doing concerts for 500 people on Zoom. Phew!
[00:10:55] Dimple Thakrar: And he's living life. He's not waking up every morning wondering if cancer's going to take him because he's not victim to cancer. He's chosen to live and focus on life. So he's been monitored by the doctors, right? Every six weeks he has bloods and all the rest of it. Anyway, about three months ago, the doctor rang and said, Mr.
[00:11:21] Dimple Thakrar: Thacker, you may as well just forget it. Just, you've not got cancer. I don't know what you've done, how you've done it, but you're walking miracles. We'll keep monitoring you, she said, but just live your life. And he said I'm glad you caught up to me. Thank you, doctor. He says, thank you, doctor.
[00:11:36] Dimple Thakrar: He's been living his frigging life. Like he travels the frigging world every month. He's on holiday somewhere. Long haul, short haul. He went on a cruise last week. He was on a New York with me the month before he was going, he's going to India at the end of this month. There's so many things, Dubai, China.
[00:11:55] Dimple Thakrar: Still working. The reason I want to share this story, and it's so good that Joe's reminded me, is this weekend, I actually went So, now he has paid live concerts. People come to pay to watch him live, and he had one this weekend, and they call him Michael Jackson. I was so proud of my dad this weekend.
[00:12:22] Dimple Thakrar: There were probably about six singers in their group. And honestly, I'm not just saying it 'cause he is my dad, not only does he sing, he's an entertainer at 83 years old. He's dancing, he's laughing, he's got all the expression of the songs. Like he's got, he's winking at all. The women are coming up wanting to dance with him.
[00:12:47] Dimple Thakrar: He is like a suit. He's all dressed in a gorgeous outfit that he's got himself tailormade from India. He just, he looks the part. He's having the best time and he's also supporting the other singers. So when they're singing, he's dancing and giving it some. And honestly, the life he leads. He's out partying Fridays and Saturdays.
[00:13:10] Dimple Thakrar: He's singing every night on Zoom. He has a singles club. He has a accountants club that he traveled like he does. He organizes tours around the UK to diff pilgrimages to different temples and his charisma, his vitality, his morality to live. He didn't sit and go, I'm on my own. He chose not to remarry.
[00:13:38] Dimple Thakrar: He chose not to remarry because he didn't want his girls to ever have to deal with a stepmother. Because he was full in his heart with the love that he has. Because he still has love with mum, he connects with her every day and he has companionship in all his friends. And he has a virality and a vitality to live.
[00:14:01] Dimple Thakrar: And as a result his body responded in the 3D world. So proud of my dad. This weekend he sang and me and my sister made these signs and it was like you rock Michael Jackson. And there was another sign that we, that I had which was We love you dad and if you look on my socials, I'm going to post some and it's us dancing as he's backing dancers while he's giving it some right
[00:14:34] Dimple Thakrar: and yeah There are moments where he pisses me off and there are moments when I'm angry of what happened And then I remember that was a version long ago and this version He's created was how and what if we could all create a version that was just Happy, right? What if we could create a version that was just divinely happy, irrespective of shit, irrespective of what life throws at you.
[00:15:07] Dimple Thakrar: Today, my dad says cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me, because I learnt to live. He said, I stopped taking for granted. My health, my wealth, my life, my love, and I learn to live every moment. My dad, when I ring him and I say, how are you dad? He fist bumps and he says, I'm great, Victor, I'm great.
[00:15:33] Dimple Thakrar: He says, I'm living my best life. He laughs every day. He remembers that he's alive. Does he have ailments? Hell yes. When he came to New York with me, his leg was swollen, his foot was swollen. Did it stop him moving? Hell no! Did he get medical help? Yes! Does he take care of himself and follow through? Yes! Is he consistent with that?
[00:16:00] Dimple Thakrar: Yes! Why? Because his vessel matters. He's an inspiration to me and you. He's at 83 if he can do it. Why the hell aren't we? So let's go. Let's frigging go.
[00:16:16] Dimple Thakrar: And for those of you who want to see bits of my dad, I'll be posting some of that on my socials. I'm going to actually post the video of us dancing and him dancing and singing his heart out.
[00:16:29] Dimple Thakrar: Just joy. Can we live in love and above? Love and above is the frequency of love, joy, bliss, enlightenment. That's what love and above is. And it's something that we talked about in the last Abundant Rule event. Low and above.
[00:16:50] Dimple Thakrar: I love you, Dad. Deeply. I love you for your joy. I love you for your triumph. I love you for everything you've overcome. I love you for the fact that you friggin well.
[00:17:02] Dimple Thakrar: You survived and thrived. You kept us safe, even in the craziest moments. And you believed in us, just like you believe in yourself. I'm grateful that I chose you as my dad.
[00:17:18] Dimple Thakrar: Thank you viewers for watching, for listening, for being in my world.
[00:17:25] Dimple Thakrar: Go live life fully, not like it's your last day, but like it's the gift that you've been given today. Go live it. Take care. God bless. I love you.