Beyond The Words
Embark on a journey beyond the confines of language with Dimple Thakrar, a seasoned clinical dietitian turned intuitive healer.
In "Beyond The Words," Dimple shares captivating stories that delve into the realm of intuition and the sixth sense. Drawing from her rich experiences in the National Health Service, she uncovers the profound connections that often go unspoken.
Discover the power of touch, the magic in unexplained moments, and the wisdom that lies beyond the logical mind. Join Dimple as she guides you through stories that resonate on a deeper level, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the unspoken language of the heart.
Tune in to Beyond The Words for an exploration of love, connection, and the extraordinary experiences that shape our lives. Let's go beyond the words and into a world where intuition reigns supreme.
Beyond The Words
066 Manifesting Beyond the Surface: The Inner Work Behind Your Desires
Hello, everyone! It’s Dimple Thakrar here, and welcome back to Beyond the Words. Oh my gosh, do I have something special for you today! I’m taking you on a journey through the real secrets of manifesting—a topic close to my heart that my husband and I have been living and breathing, especially over the past few weeks. This episode is about stripping back the layers and getting to the core of what it truly means to manifest in the infinite realm of possibilities. Let’s dive in!
Episode Summary:
In this episode, I explore the true essence of manifesting, debunking the myth that it’s an effortless process. Many see manifestation as something that comes easily, but I share the deeper, often challenging work that happens behind the scenes. Using powerful personal anecdotes, I discuss the importance of stripping back the layers of our past and doing the deep inner work necessary to align with our highest potential.
We talk about how crucial it is to claim your desires with absolute certainty, and then clean up the aspects of your life that don't align with those desires. I also share how the universe often tests us in our pursuit of these dreams, and how staying true to our values, even in the toughest moments, is key to manifesting the life we desire.
Key Takeaways:
- Claim Your Desires: Manifesting begins with claiming what you want as if it’s already yours. Be clear and unwavering in your intentions.
- Do the Inner Work: Before you can manifest externally, you need to clear out old beliefs and behaviours that don’t align with your desired reality.
- Pass the Tests: The universe will test your commitment to your values. Staying true to them, especially when no one is watching, is vital.
- Align with Your Highest Values: Whatever your highest value is—be it love, truth, or kindness—ensure it guides your every action and thought.
- Manifestation is an Ongoing Process: The work never stops. Manifestation is about continuous self-improvement and alignment with your highest self.
I hope this episode serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of inner work in the manifestation process. If you found it valuable, please share it with others, subscribe, and let me know how it resonated with you. Your feedback is what helps me continue this work and bring more light into the world.
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Beyond the Words EP66
[00:00:00] Dimple Thakrar: Hello and welcome back to Beyond the Words with me, Dimple Thakrar, your host today. Oh my gosh, have I got a podcast for you. And I what I'm about to share is something that I have been experiencing over this last week. Really over the last, gosh, and it's taking my breath as I'm saying it because the energetics behind this is huge probably over the last three weeks, but actually both my husband and I have been manifesting this over a lifetime.
[00:00:34] Dimple Thakrar: And I wanna take you on a journey today. And this journey is all about unpicking the secrets. Behind manifesting and dancing in the infinite realm of infinite possibilities and potential, right? And the reason this is coming through so strongly at the moment is because the number of times I've people say to me it's easy for you Dimple, you manifest like that.
[00:01:08] Dimple Thakrar: It's so easy. It's so easy for you. I smile at them because if it was that easy, everybody would be doing it. What people think manifesting is and what the reality of it is behind closed doors are two very different things. And so I really want to unpick this for you guys today because My hope and dream, my desire for you is that you, while desiring manifesting, actually, the byproduct and the actual result of desiring manifesting is you becoming the absolute most infinite potential in the quantum of who you are.
[00:01:54] Dimple Thakrar: So what does that mean? It means that you actually get to be not even the best version of you, the version of you that you didn't even know was available to you. That's what I'm talking about. So for some of you, this is going to go over your heads, it's okay, you're not ready to hear it. And for some of you, you're like, tell me more.
[00:02:15] Dimple Thakrar: Either is perfect. You're going to get exactly what you need from this podcast today. All right? I was just I love the analogy actually. I'm going to share it that Jo gifted, just the producer, just as we were talking. And she was saying about, and it was a brilliant analogy, so I'm going to use it Jo.
[00:02:35] Dimple Thakrar: I know you won't mind. She was saying about how if you want to decorate a room and you have to prepare the walls or you can just paint over the existing wallpaper or wallpaper over the existing wallpaper. And what happens then, if you don't prepare the walls and you put over the wallpaper. New wallpaper.
[00:03:00] Dimple Thakrar: It's gonna come, the old wallpaper's gonna come through or it's gonna, it's not gonna last. So you'll have some pleasure of the desired new look, but not for the long game. And this is what I'm talking about. The long game. When we moved into this house 22 years ago, it was probably about three layers thick of wallpaper.
[00:03:26] Dimple Thakrar: Some places, and we could have just wallpapered over that. But in true Thakrar style, what we did was, I spent five weeks, every night after work, stripping every single wall with a steamer. And as I'd take one layer off, there'd be another. As I'd take one, that layer off, there'd be another. I didn't know how many layers there would be until I got to plaster, right?
[00:03:57] Dimple Thakrar: And we wanted plastered finished walls. all over the house. It's a five bedroomed house. It's big. It took hours of back pain and shoulder pain. And during a time when I was actually pregnant for some of that time, it was tough. But now when I look at these walls 22 years later, they're still perfect. All they need is a lick of paint and they come up beautifully.
[00:04:33] Dimple Thakrar: That wouldn't have happened had I not spent that five weeks, when you think of it in the grand scheme of things, what I achieved in five weeks every night after work, and at the time we had Maya, she was two and a half, three, I was pregnant at the same time. I could have easily have gone, Ah, let's just paint over the wallpaper.
[00:04:59] Dimple Thakrar: It would have been substandard to what we wanted. So instead, I put the effort in to strip the layers back, quite literally. And as a result, we've benefited for 22 years. and will continue to, if it's not us that lives here, whoever else does. And this is the beauty of manifesting. There's Things that go on behind the scenes.
[00:05:30] Dimple Thakrar: Right now, my husband and I are on the brink of a transformation, and it's a big one. But what we've had to do behind the scenes in order to get to this point, very few people are prepared to do. And I say this with so much love, there's the 1 percent that are prepared to do what it takes to strip every single layer of wallpaper, a.
[00:05:58] Dimple Thakrar: k. a. your wounds. Go inwards and really look at how you are and who you are and do you represent the truth? Do you live your values? And when you don't, how do you deal with it? Because let me tell you, every time you manifest or desire something, you have to do a few things beforehand. You have to be absolutely certain that you want it.
[00:06:27] Dimple Thakrar: Not for anybody else. Not to be or do or impress anybody else. We have to be absolutely 100 percent certain that is yours and you claim it. Whatever it is, it can be a car, it can be millions, it can be a loving partner, it can be whatever it is you want to manifest, you have to be able to 100 percent claim it.
[00:06:54] Dimple Thakrar: As if it's already complete, as if it's already yours. Why? Because when you claim it, you then start to ask the universe to bring you the match for that. So that's the first piece, claiming it. The second piece is, you have to clean up. You have to clean up all the shit that is version of you that isn't that version that's claiming your manifestation.
[00:07:26] Dimple Thakrar: So if you, for example, want to And it's a silly example, but say you want to be a millionaire, right? Before I hit that first million, I had to claim being a millionaire. And at first that scared the shit out of me because I was like, what the hell is a millionaire? Who are there? What am I? And I realized I had so many prejudice about rich people and half of them weren't even mine, but I had to do the deep work.
[00:08:02] Dimple Thakrar: And what does that mean? What does the deep work mean? Let me explain that. It means sitting up, journaling, asking yourself when you're uncomfortable, when you feel threatened, what the hell is going on here inside of me? Why is this happening? What is it that I'm feeling? And then feeling that process. And that's a process of detangling from the old version of you that isn't a millionaire, for example.
[00:08:32] Dimple Thakrar: Because the new version of you that is a millionaire wouldn't even care about those things. They wouldn't even trigger you. But in order to get that new version, you have to clean up the entangled triggers that are old stories. And these can be very painful. So that's first, the second piece, clean up. The third piece is when you've cleaned up, It is very likely you will be initiated.
[00:09:02] Dimple Thakrar: So what that means is the universe will test you to the brink. Right now, this last week, this last four weeks, my husband and I have been tested beyond you can possibly imagine. My value is love. My highest standard is love. What that means is, in order for me to achieve what I desire, I have to beam 100 percent love in all areas.
[00:09:34] Dimple Thakrar: In all areas. And this is where most people drop off. Because if your value is kindness, if your value is joy, if your value is truth, Are you living by that every day? Even when nobody's looking? Even when you're not saying anything but you're thinking it?
[00:09:57] Dimple Thakrar: What that means is, there will be situations that are thrown at you in life. We've had a number of situations that I can't go into in detail, nor do I need to know. that have been major. And we've had to go through those initiations with love, with appreciation. Now, that does not mean you're a doormat and you allow everybody to walk all over you.
[00:10:27] Dimple Thakrar: No. The love starts with you. And so what's loving for me first? And that meant over the past four weeks, me detangling from my husband, energetically. Because the old Dimple would mother him. That wasn't loving for me or him. And in turn what would happen is I wouldn't speak my truth about what I needed.
[00:10:58] Dimple Thakrar: And that would do him a great disservice. of being able to honor his truth. So basically, we both got into a habit of pleasing each other. The problem with that is nobody's pleased because you end up building up resentment because you're pleasing through obligation, not through overflow.
[00:11:21] Dimple Thakrar: And so what happened was I had to get really brave, And really start owning who I am and saying no when I didn't want to do it and dealing with the consequences of that no. Because what you'll find is as you start owning your own truth, people around you won't necessarily like it
[00:11:44] Dimple Thakrar: they won't know how to respond to you because they've got used to the old version. But in that transition period where there's discomfort for both of you, that's where when you show up in your truth, and that can be whatever your, whether you, your highest value is love, your highest value is truth, your highest value is kindness.
[00:12:09] Dimple Thakrar: When you show up in that truth for yourself first and then others. They've nowhere else to go. They either rise with you or they fall away. And either or, you get the information you need.
[00:12:25] Dimple Thakrar: And even with my beloved, he had an option, he either rises with me or falls away. And we just celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary. That could or could not have happened depending on how he decided to respond. He's decided to step into his truth. And he's full of kindness. Like he's the kindest man I've known and the moment he stepped into kindness I elevated in my love as well.
[00:13:00] Dimple Thakrar: So I rose in love, he rose in kindness and it didn't then matter what the hell the world brought to us. Because we trusted in divine timing of everything. And this is how you collapse time. What does collapsing time mean? You bring forward your manifestations. Because so many people say to me, I'm manifesting and I've wanted this but it's taken forever to get here.
[00:13:27] Dimple Thakrar: That just to me tells me that you've not done the inner work yet. You're not prepared to do the inner work. Because what that tells me is, Behind closed doors, you're not showing up as the true version of you. So if I was a fly on the wall, I'd see a very different version of you. And I hold my hand up to that also.
[00:13:48] Dimple Thakrar: And so the question I'm hearing is, when does the work stop? When do you know you've done it? The work never stops. If you think that it's a one shot, one stop thing, good luck. It's not. Every single moment of every day, you have to be. Be and communicate consciously. Not just to the other person but to the thoughts in your head.
[00:14:20] Dimple Thakrar: And you do slip up. Today I was watching a something on YouTube and the presenter was a bit, I found him a bit irritating and I found myself going, he's a bloody idiot and I had to stop myself. I'm sorry, I don't mean that. He just doesn't present the way that I like. To be presented to.
[00:14:41] Dimple Thakrar: Because that was not loving calling him an idiot. So I wasn't aligned in my value of love. But I still needed to be honest. And so by me switching the thought and therefore the speech to Actually, I'm sorry, no, that's not true. He's just not my preferred way of presenting. And you see how different that is?
[00:15:06] Dimple Thakrar: It's a tiny shift. I'm being honest, and I'm not making him wrong. I'm not making me wrong either. I'm being honest. Nobody has to be wrong or right. And so this work is relentless and it's endless and it requires deep focus and deep concentration and deep desire to believe that whatever you have manifested, however big it is possible for you.
[00:15:40] Dimple Thakrar: It's actually already done. If you can witness it already done. So that year when I decided I was going to be a millionaire, I had to show up every day as I believe my millionaire version of myself would be. What does that look like? I wouldn't have talk about, oh that's too expensive. I wouldn't have talk about I'm not, I can't afford that because millionaires don't do that.
[00:16:13] Dimple Thakrar: Yes, they. are savvy with how they spend but they don't speak of can't afford it. They don't speak of, I have to save for that. They may say that, that will become available to me. Very different.
[00:16:33] Dimple Thakrar: That's coming. Or they may say, yeah, I fancied that and I'll have it one day. They don't speak of, oh, I can't afford that yet. That's way too expensive. Who would pay that for that? They value the price. They value the investment because they see it as they are worthy of it. It's a very different frequency.
[00:17:00] Dimple Thakrar: So this conversation for some of you, you will be going, yeah it's all right for you. You haven't got the struggles I have. You're not ready for this conversation if that's what you're feeling. Or you're seeing this as an opportunity to flick the switch for you. Either or is perfect. What I want to say to you is that in order to achieve the dreams that you haven't even been able to dream yet because they're not even in your infinite realm of possibility because they're in the potential.
[00:17:36] Dimple Thakrar: The things that I have in the potential I'm not aware of but I'm open to it and I know it's mine. I don't need to know what it is because there's the exciting bit when you can let go fully of control. That takes courage. It's there's so many things that are moving in my vortex right now, and I can choose to get up tight, which I did in the past, and panic a bit, or I can choose to feel the nerves that's in my body and it takes my breath, and use strategies to regulate my nervous system, because I'm human,
[00:18:19] Dimple Thakrar: take a breath, and keep going, and my only barometer is what my highest value is, which is love, for me. I even got a tattoo. A tattoo that says, for those of you who can see it on the screen, I am love.
[00:18:39] Dimple Thakrar: As an anchor to remind me every day, every moment, every thought every speak, every, Interaction. My standard is love. And if I'm dropping below that standard, I auto correct, I self correct. And I see it in a loving way as an opportunity for me to grow even more. Not for me to punish me, and not for me to punish others, but for me to grow.
[00:19:07] Dimple Thakrar: And in doing that, I stay in a higher frequency of love, bliss, joy. And these are all the energetic matches for manifesting in no time at all. So I want to complete this conversation with saying that manifesting is work, but it's not the kind of heavy lifting work that you assume it would be, or the kind where you manifest it and let it go.
[00:19:40] Dimple Thakrar: It's not about that. Manifesting is actually the reward to you doing The inner game. It's the reward. It's the success measure. of the inner game. So the more successful you are at doing the inner game work, the more success will be, you'll be rewarded in the outer game.
[00:20:09] Dimple Thakrar: Let me know in the comments if this has landed for you and let me know how you have implemented this. This matters to me deeply. Bye. Love to know that this podcast is making a frigging difference on the planet, and I can only know that if you let me know. And in you claiming it, in letting me know, is also moving closer to it.
[00:20:42] Dimple Thakrar: And of course, if you found this useful, subscribe like, share. I want the whole world to be able to create in a completely different way than the norm is of. Working nine to five, day to day, doing the grind, you have to take certain quantum. Some people call it risks, I call it leaps. You have to take aligned action.
[00:21:11] Dimple Thakrar: Some of the things that I have done in this past four weeks are crazy. They make no logical sense. What they do when I'm operating at my manifested version, they make complete sense. So some things you have to jump first. Most things, in fact everything, before you get the reward in the 3D realm, aka your manifestation of peace.
[00:21:41] Dimple Thakrar: I hope you've enjoyed this podcast today. I am so grateful for your time. I feel privileged and honored that when I look at the data, all of you are listening right to the end. That means a lot to me. It means that the content is serving you deeply at the highest level. Please let me know how it's serving you.
[00:22:06] Dimple Thakrar: So for now, take care. God bless.