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My name is Shilamida, and I’m all about smiling, making people laugh, and celebrating life. My journey has been full of twists and turns, and the stories I share are meant to inspire and motivate others. If we vibe, I believe we can create some serious magic together!
I've been an entrepreneur since the age of 21, owning nine companies and three MLMs, and I’m a three-time best-selling author in personal development. My weeks are spent hosting my radio show, standing for freedom, promoting a skincare and non-toxic lifestyle, and teaching spirituality.
But my life wasn’t always this way. I grew up in an immigrant family, stuck in a cycle of victimhood and limiting beliefs that led me down a path I didn’t want to follow. After countless prayers and asking the Universe for a break, I found my way through the power of Gratitude. In 2017, I released 31 Days of Gratitude, a book to help readers shift their mindset and create the life they truly desire.

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